I'm having the King of the Biffs. :(UPDATE pg 2

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I made myself a last minute Midwife appointment today as my SPD has gone really really bad over the past 2 weeks.

She called the hospital for me and arranged for me to go in to see the physio. Then I asked her to measure me as I have been feeling sooo uncomfy and as i say the SPD has gotten awful, cant breathe properly, knackered all the time and basically feel like Im a walking balloon. Its something that they need to keep an eye on anyway as James was over 10lb so I have to go for a growth scan at 36 weeks...

ANyways, she measures me and Im measuring 37 weeks!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I am only 30 weeks!!! :( :( :(

So she has made me an emergency appointment to see the consultant on Thursday. Im guessing they may do a growth scan early or sommat.

Im just gutted. It certainly explains why I feel so terrible - the growth spurt in two weeks is unbelievable - I was measuring 1 cm big 2 weeks ago and now Im 7cm over!! Plus despite only being 30 weeks pregnant Im pretty much full term in terms of what size I am.

I just dont know how Im gonna cope over the next 8 weeks. Its hard enough looking after James as it is but I dread to think the epic proportions my belly is gonna reach in the next few weeks!! I have been sooo good too and have only gained 10lb in the whole pregnancy and I thought it may pay off in babies size. But no looks like Im having a huge big wopper. :( Dont get me wrong I know I will love him whatever but I kinda felt like I missed out on the whole new born experience with James as he was always so big and BF was so hard with his size, I was hoping this time round may be different....looks like it could be even worse... :cry:
Firstly :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Its good they are keeping an eye on you, and wait and see what the consultant says, and the scan shows! I have absolutely no faith in the way they measure your uterus with a tape measure.........I was told my baby was 5cms too small and possibly not growing well - he was actually spot on size wise as the scan showed (but thanks to my MW's crap measuring I at least got to find out my bubs was breech).

Please dont let it upset you, as not good for you or the baby, and am sure you will cope whatever the outcome!!
Awwww Jen that's not so good - I know you wanted to avoid having a biff baby if possible.

I'm guessing you're just a supermummy and you're really good at growing little baby boys and that's why they're getting so big inside you?

I'm guessing the consultant you're seeing on Thursday will send you for a scan - will he/she also be able to tell you your chances of a VBAC etc? Or are you Caesareaning anyway?

Hope you're OK xxx
Aw hun, don' worry too much until you have the scan and then that isn't always accurate! Remember when i was preggers, Ted was 6lb when i was 30 weeks i was also measuring 37 weeks - i was so worried, we charted and i though he'd end up a 14lber!!! But growth really slows down in last few weeks :hug: It could just be some tummy from before (don't mean than in an offensive way :hug: ) you know what i mean, fundal measurements are pants!
I reckon you'lll cough out a 9lber :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys :hug: :hug: :hug:

Becs I am having a C section I think. I have to have a growth scan anyway due to how big James was but as my pelvis is also small we are thinking C section will be safer all round.

TBH I am thinking he is huge as I am feeling really mahoosive and uncomfortable. I have only gained 10lb in my entire pregnancy and have been ultra careful and when I went today the midwife did say that he felt very big and I was all baby and there didnt even seem to be that much fluid so its looking likely Im on for having a heffer!! :shock:
Let us know how it goes on Thurs Jen and don't worry if those measurements are big too, my growth scan he was measuring 40 weeks early on, i was convinced i was going to go into early labour...no chance! Another gorgeous boy like James will be worth the uncomfort :hug:
aw jen, I know you were worried about having a big 'un!!! :hug:

i wouldnt worry until the scan though, they sent me for an emergency one because the thought Holly was measuring really small for her dates, turns out she was fine! I dont think the tape measure is an exact science!

I dont know what else to suggest though except to try maybe get more help round the house so you can rest more (not easy with a 10mth old I know)
try not to worry hun you cant change anything and big babies are beautiful as u know, i was induced at 35+5 due to large baby and blood pressure and she was 10lb 4oz so there is nothing you can do to stop them being as big as they will be :hug:
sorry to hear that you are so uncomfortable so early on. It must be hard thinking that you still have to go for a few more weeks. Do you think you might have him earlier? thinking of you :hug:
purple13 said:
Jen & Her Men said:
BF was so hard with his size, I was hoping this time round may be different....looks like it could be even worse... :cry:

gosh Jen, I can't believe you're in 3rd tri already :shock: :shock:

this link might be helpful if you haven't come across the site already? http://www.bigbaby.org.uk/breastfeeding_big_babies.html


Ooo thanks Purple! I hadnt seen that site before Im off to have a good read. Thanks so much! :hug: :hug: :hug:

NewMum I am hoping that tomorrow they will see how uncomfy and in pain i am and want to extract the monster sooner rather than later!!! lol.
I will update once I have had my appointment.
ah Jen, you just make them big and beautiful :hug: Whilst my two were never big in weight they were long and always too big for newborn clothes and I felt I missed out on the teeny stage but then me and OH are tall so no wonder my girls were the same.

That link Purple13 has given you is excellent. Don't worry about the bfing, it is a myth that bigger babies are harder to feed, just that some midwives make you feel as if they are. Seren was a dot really at 8lb 6oz and yet was never off my boobs in the early months, constantly feeding (she still is the same now only its the fridge not my boobs) whereas Cally was heavier yet fed quickly and spaced out her feeds in the early days. There is a lot of boobyfeeding support on here to help you out
thanks guys. Im really gonna prepare myself loads this time and make sure I get nipple shields, creams etc in to help me. I think I will be asking for lots of tips cos the biggest problem I found was the fact my boobs were so huge and james wanted to feed all the time that I literally just sat there for 6 weeks and I couldnt cope as its just not me to be house bound. So tips on how to BF when out and about when you have ginormous boobs would be ace as Im so self conscious about getting em out in public and i dont know how its possible as I need to use both hands and hold my boob so bubs doesnt suffocate!! :oops:

Anyways, i will update tomorrow once I have been the hospital. Im hoping its all air or sommat!! :lol:
heya as a lady with ginourmous bazongas i can comment :) Mine are 34/36 g/gg's depending on where we buy and what i do if just wear a strappy top under whichever top im wearing so u can lift your top up, pull the strappy down and just poke your nipple out the gap iykwim ?

Otherwise weve got a pretty blanket that travels with us blanket on boob out baby on, jobs done :p Oh and a poncho is really good too les faffing !

Flo was 10lb 4 so a pretty big baby and weve been alright so far, its been a rough old ride but weve got there, its 90% perseverance i think, so i reckon so long as youve got your head int he right place this time youll b ok, i know ladies with small boobies and smaller babies whove had more trouble than i have :hug:

Oh and i bookmarked a few links from the bf support thread, i think midna posted it as she had quite a few brilliant webbies on there, bt it might be gone now shes left, i found this one really useful !

You'll be fine no matter what you do... :hug: Pregnancy is always a strain and you'll be feeling it more if you are suffering from SPD...I struggled to bf'd Tia but found second time round much easier... and you'll be far more relaxed in general because you know what to expect about having a baby (and unlike me you won't be so out of practice :lol: )... But if you can't don't get yourself upset... :) James is a gorgeous little star and we wasn't bf'd :)

Fingers crossed you get to have your new LO earlier than normal... :hug:
Hey Jen. :)

I'm not exactly flat chested so know a bit about feeding with bigger boobies! I always thought I wouldn't be able to and was told by the MW's in hospital to do the rugby ball position and it made things harder for me. A HV came out and asked why I was feeding in that position and I told her "because I was told to". She suggested I try the cradle hold and wallah! it worked and things improved drastically. Feeding became something that was nice to do and we both enjoyed it.

Having big boobs makes no difference at all. Even feeding discreetly in public is easy. I always, always wear two tops. One kind of tight top - like a strappy vest type thing - and then whatever top I'm wearing for the day. That way, when I feed I can expose what I need to underneath my main top so no-one sees (which isn't the whole boob) and lift my outer top accordingly to latch him on. Doing it like that, no-one see's a thing :D Easy :D

I always carried a muslin when he was a new born - as you do - and often draped it over my shoulder for added security - this was in the very early days - but once I got used to things I didn't feel I needed it.

You will be able to do it. Think positively :cheer:
DebbieM said:
Hey Jen. :)

I'm not exactly flat chested so know a bit about feeding with bigger boobies! I always thought I wouldn't be able to and was told by the MW's in hospital to do the rugby ball position and it made things harder for me. A HV came out and asked why I was feeding in that position and I told her "because I was told to". She suggested I try the cradle hold and wallah! it worked and things improved drastically. Feeding became something that was nice to do and we both enjoyed it.

Having big boobs makes no difference at all. Even feeding discreetly in public is easy. I always, always wear two tops. One kind of tight top - like a strappy vest type thing - and then whatever top I'm wearing for the day. That way, when I feed I can expose what I need to underneath my main top so no-one sees (which isn't the whole boob) and lift my outer top accordingly to latch him on. Doing it like that, no-one see's a thing :D Easy :D

I always carried a muslin when he was a new born - as you do - and often draped it over my shoulder for added security - this was in the very early days - but once I got used to things I didn't feel I needed it.

You will be able to do it. Think positively :cheer:

I have to agree with all of that!!! I usually wear a low(ish) cut top and carry a muslin around with me, at first i was really shy about it all but i couldn't care less now, OH is always forcing me to use muslins when i cant be assed, the two top layers technique is great, noone can tell you're BFing unless they really look, and i would really recommend a sling if you need to get out the house, when she was smaller i'd pop her in it, feed her with a muslin over the edges to be certain and she'd fall asleep comfortably in it, noone knew i was BFing unless they asked to see her lol. Oh and i could never get the hang of the rugby ball position so we either lie down or craddle her (unless she lunges at me in which case it's any position she happens to be in)

Good luck with your scan, i was told Tally would be about 7lb but i had pretty much no water which noone took in to account, she was by no means a biff at 8lb2oz though.
hi guys

thanks for all the advice! No doubt I will be asking you all to repeat it again in about 8 weeks time when Im flapping!!

Well some good news. Im booked in for my elective on the 6th March. Until then I will be having regular checks and if things deteriorate any more in terms of bubs getting even huger and my SPD then they will bring that date forward.

I had a growth scan and he is measuring off the scale for all measurements for 30 weeks (head, tummy etc) BUT the doc reckoned he wont be quite as big as James and thinks he is more likely to be 9lb something. :cheer: :cheer: So I am pretty chuffed with that. He is 4lb 11oz now!! :eek:

But Im glad that they are taking his size and my SPD seriously and will be keeping a close eye on me over the next 7 weeks. Im also glad to have a date to work to too. Makes it easier to cope with the pain and discomfort of the SPD. :D

Im a bit gutted that a VBAC is deffo out of the question (consultant said this today) but I guess it means I can plan loads and get myself all sorted. Probably will just need a strong dose of valium on the night of the 5th to help me sleep!! :lol:

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