i'm having a good day today :D

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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this morning was hell, but this afternoon's been really good :D phoned the estate agents, the only hold up atm is getting my reference from work, cos they're useless! there was a note to say it was meant to be arriving in the post yesterday, but it hadnt, so should be today! then she said they're closed over the bank holiday weekend, but all being well, we're now aiming for thursday :D not getting my hopes up too much tho, think it gona be tuesday/wednesday next week now. but not to worry, cos it'll give me time to get furniture and that sorted! i wouldnt actually move into it on thurs anyway, need some time tog et it all perfect, i dont wana be living in a shit tip with these two!

so then i went to my mates, was an hour late, but tht's nothing new :lol: and whilst we were there, ella rolled over back to front, which she has done a few times before, then lay on her tum for like half an hour, and then, i was sitting with her between my legs, but was holding her up, let go, and she just sat there :shock:!! it was only for like 20 seconds, and then she started doing that funny leaning forward kinda sitting that they do, but still!!

AND!! i've just been going thru a load of old clothes and found some that havent fitted me in like 3 years, since i got with my ex. decided to try them on and they fit!! :yay::yay::yay: and these included my jeans that were my goal to get into!!!!

so yea, a good day for me today!
:yay: Go you skinny minnie (I'm really thinking "bitchhhh" :lol:)

Sounds like a fab day.. And :yay: for the wee woman.. Sounds like she's doing great..

And well pleased for you being so close to having your own place.. We will be expecting lots of posts from you when you move in :lol: x
:yay: Wish those Tesco muppets would hurry up for you :mad:
i'm not going to have interweb for a while when i move in :( need to make sure i can afford it, but am considering just getting an iphone and i'm due an upgrade at the start of may, so that wouldnt be too long!! dunno what i'll do without internet tho!!
OMG you can't be goin off line like alice.......we neeeeed you!!

I'm glad you've had a good day but really i just wanna slap you all over for being skinny :slap:

I'm dead excited for you moving into your place :yay: xx
lol i'm not really skinny! i've got a proper mingin jelly belly that must go! have got a wedding to go to in june and then the meet in july and i must be thinner for then!!
:yay: fab day all round then! Really hope you get in soon xx
OO just caught this, I love moving house so Im feeling your excitement - good luck with it all! I can't wait to get fit again and get shot of this baby weight although dont get me wrong Im enjoying it all I really am. I just miss being able to move around quickly already! :) xx

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