Im gonna be...


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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...full term on tuesday :yay: The house is an absolute tip, im shattered, shouldve had a lie in really, but Im determined to get the house all tidy and organised today. OH has to build some shelves in LOs room so al the sotrage boxes are out in his room and I cant sort it out. I think the nesting is really kicking in :)

Taking my raspberry leaf extract tablets right now :) Im so excited!!
:yay: we're fully cooked next week too! Every niggle is now being scrutinised lol! good luck with the house I'm still hoping the cleaning fairy will magic it all away for me but so far she's a no show hehe
where can u get that rasberry leaf stuff from??
Yay for being full term next week!! I no iv got 3weeks to go but still its close enough as baby might come around then. Im tidying up gradually i pick an area to do a day, only a small area, but iv got my daughters bday next week so iv gotta be tidy for then and hopefully it stays tidy :D im actually getting really excited about baby coming, i want him here now!! Are you excited about LO coming soon? I dont think i can wait much longer lol x
im so far beyond excited now! Especially as this morning its sinking in that Ive really finished work so it really is time to have the baby! I know what you mean about every twinge, I get so excited with each ache and pain!

I got my raspberry leaf extract tablets from holland and barrett. The woman reckoned theyre more effective than the tea and obviously you dont have to taste them. I dont really drink tea so went for the tablets but I know some people hate swallowing tablets so I s'pose the tea would be best then!
good luck ladies im so jealous cant wait to meet my baby ah well half way there now xxx
wehey!! that has come around so quick hasn't it?! i hope the raspberry leaf works for you! xxx
God Tiny!! That has gone in sooooo fast hun! I remember giving you a :yay: for being at 15 weeks! I must have blinked and missed it :rofl: xx
Im just sitting with a nice cup of RLT now!
Im just sitting with a nice cup of RLT now!

mines just cooling now havnt tryed it yet, bought some this afternoon. hope its nice so i can acctually drink it.
I didnt risk the tea, I bought the tablets. I was worried I wouldnt like it, and I dont drink hot drinks much cos I usually forget about them while Im leaving them to cool!! How was it?

Its gone so bloomin fast its ridiculous! Im so glad Ive finished work now, I feel like its all so real. Im accutely aware that my house should be ready for the baby and Im just not! This weekend Im gonna be on a real mission!
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We are almost at the end of the journey..although I wish I had a few more weeks to try and get this baby in a head down position :(

I can't believe how quickly it has gone for us all :)
i know tell me about it! wonder who's gonna b first?????
as for the RLT its not 2 bad, hasnt got much taste 2 b honest.
i just keep doing a job a day like yesterday i cleaned the fridge out and did abit of ironing.
OOh fridge cleaning?! youre definately wayyyy ahead of me!!! Got a lot done today with OH though. I slept in til 11, I havent done that in years, OH came and woke me up cos he was worried Id be starving the LO :rofl:
We are almost at the end of the journey..although I wish I had a few more weeks to try and get this baby in a head down position :(

I can't believe how quickly it has gone for us all :)

It feels a little bit sad that the pregnancy bit will soon be over, even though Ive been wishing it would hurry up all along! Ive found myself recently wondering if Ill ever be pregnant again and feeling a little bit sad! Baby still breech RM? :(
OOh fridge cleaning?! youre definately wayyyy ahead of me!!! Got a lot done today with OH though. I slept in til 11, I havent done that in years, OH came and woke me up cos he was worried Id be starving the LO :rofl:

i did exactly the same tiny. my first day off i slept in till 10:45!! i havnt done that for years. think we must of needed it ay.
as for the fridge cleaning, ihavnt really done much else yet. but i have made a list of jobs to do and going to try and do 1 job a day at least.

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