Im cheesed off!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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:evil: :evil: :evil:
sounds minor but seriously I am defo not getting enough sleep. all i do is toss and turn and get uncomfy.
last night I kept waking Peter up as I was thrashing around all night.
In the day i'm all cranky and tired!
just thought Id have a moan, and ask if anyone knows of a potion that will drift me into a lovely 6hr+ sleep (wishful thinking)?! I'm only getting a couple of hours atm.
:pray: :pray: :pray:
i find i sleep less well at night if i have an afternoon nap, so while it's hard to get through that afternoon period it does help me at night.

If you find that potion hun you'll be a very rich lady! :lol: All i can suggest is kicking OH on sofa so u have a full bed?! lol Hope u get more sleep soon :)
It's not minor :shakehead:

I'm so tired all the time, bump and back's really uncomfortable to move in bed, so I feel your pain!
i cant help you, at your stage i was up 6 times a night for a wee. :twisted:
Oh my god, I feel your pain. I've been suffering really badly for the past week or so. The best part of my day is when OH leaves for work and I can have the bed all to myself- I lie in the middle with 4 pillows straregically placed around me and sleep for a lovely few hours. I also find it help to get up when your sure you won't be dropping off anytime soon, it just becomes to stressful and frustrating to stay in bed.

If you are tired during the day maybe try having an hours nap? Are you still in work?

Alex xxx
I feel your pain :hug: I am sleeping badly now too. Even when I feel like I've had a fairly good nights sleep I still feel a bit zombie like! I'm sure it is just getting us used to sleeplessness for when our LOs arrive :D
I sleep in almost exactly two hour intervals. Even if I take a nap, it will last two hours, but that's rare as I never have the time. I go to bed, fall asleep, wake up two hours later two pee and change position, then fall back asleep for two hours and repeat the process. Last night was worse than usual though because I ended up on my back and couldn't get up without help. My back was so sore from all of the pressure, too.... And every time I wake up I have deep dents from the sheets and what ever I am wearing. I am so heavy now! I haven't hit 200 pounds yet, though. I'm scared of that!
2 things keep me from sleeping well

Toilet trips!! (i get up at 7 for one then wake up desperate at 9 at which time i cant get bk to sleep)

Being too hot!! (i've got a matress protector on just in case i leak everywhere and even with 2 sheets over the top and the window left wide open all nigth, blinds down to stop room heating up i stick to it!)

Sleeping is not a easy thing, and it's just going to get harder in a few weeks
I'm sleeping in the spare room now cos I just need my space! Also the mattress in there is softer so it helps. I suggest kicking OH out :lol: and putting a spare duvet on top of the mattress, under the sheet, if you have one, to make it a bit softer x
My problem is getting tot he point of being able to sleep beyond pains. So, I sit here and start to drift....then wake up and need to zombie to my bed and can't sleep again for a bit. Then my spd waked me up if I turn and I wake if I need the loo.

I would love a beautiful nights :sleep: :cry:

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