Hi Lander!
Lovely to see you back again!
Good luck and fx for a speedy bfp!
Good luck lander. My wee boy has just turned 11 months and I'm contemplating ttc this month! The only thing holding me back is my work..feel guilty going off again when I'm just back ��
Lots of luck trying for number two, hope its quick for you excellent the wage difference has allowed you to finish up work! Xx
Well AF is kicking in so only a week and a bit and we'll be trying
I must be nuts as baby is 6 1/2 months and we have started trying!! Find it hard with just her! But don't want a big age gap!! ��
Tee hee, good to see this thread - my wee one is about to turn 9 months and I'm thinking about when we can try for another!
Hope it's speedy for everyone