Im absolutely shattered!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Does anyone else feel so tired and aching and heavy that they cant be bothered to move?

Im ok til about mid afternoon then I just wanna lie down and go to sleep. Its only 8 o clock but I could quite happily go to bed.

My bump feels bigger every day and its slowing me down so much. I feel like Im about 35 weeks, not 26! :cry:
i completely sympothise. i do the cleaning, and when im 1/2 way through im nackered.

i just cant be bothered to do anything. even sitting at the comp is a strain at times.

horrible isnt it :(
Im not so much tired at the moment but whenever i do anything slightly physical im competely out of breath after 30 seconds. I am out of breath if i walk quickly upstairs. My office at work is on the 3rd storey and we dont have a lift, which knackers me out. Im moving to a different office in 3 weeks though, all on one level :cheer:
i'm okay now and again, but if i've been out for half a day then i'm tried...

just keep getting you man to do the running aroung :wink: :hug:
Wierd I was gonna post a new topic about this today cos I was getting worried about it. :(
There isn't a single day now when I don't feel completely and utterly dog tired, I am lucky in that I can go and have a lie down when C goes for his lunchtime nap, but then by about 4pm I am feeling like my batteries have run out again. I never go to bed past about 9:30 these days! I thought the second tri was supposed to be the one where you feel quite energetic? PAH! :shakehead:
And to make it worse everyone says to me "just you wait until the second one comes along, you won't know what sleep is!" yeah ha bloody ha thanks for that!
I get so tired, need a nap in the afternoon but can't because of work. I have to climb up 5 flights of stairs to get to my office, which is so tiring. I used to get really out of breath but now it's my legs that really ache.

I can't bend down either. I don't remember feeling this incapable with dd at this stage though that was 10 yrs ago! :lol:
I'm not feeling too tired but I do get out of breath quicker than usual. I even noticed today I couldn't sing along to some of the songs on the radio without pausing for breath!

I suppose it's only natural you will feel more tired as time goes on. Have you tried napping during the day? That might help if you get the opportunity.

i know what you mean, somedays are ok i do feel as tho i have a bit of energy but even then im in bed n asleep by 9 ish lol

i've been puttin the kids to bed at 8 and gettin into bed myself i'm just shattered, some days i get waves of tirednes where i can hardly keep my eyes open, only thing is i can never sleep when Ryan does, its always just after he wakes up that i'm ready for a nap lol.

Im feeling the same but never remembered feeling this way the first time, i think chasing Kiara around all day dont help.
By her bed time at 8 im so tired i have to struggle to do anything

I am constantly exhausted!

But can never sleep so don't bother going to bed early as i it just means i'll be laying wide awake in my bed for longer :(

i find myself draging my feet i finish work at five then go and get my other two children im only 18 weeks god help me when im about 30 i will be a mess lol :dance:
I think I tempted fate last week by saying I wasn't tired or aching. This week has been awful. Monday night I had a real burning heat ache in my hips and legs after all day at work then doing housework and ironing when I got home. :(

It makes me feel a bit grumpy too. Poor OH doesn't know if he's coming or going. I was quite happy after the weekend. Now I'm just irritable, tired and achey. :roll:

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