I'll have a baby by next week...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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So why do i feel so confused...

I was told today at my consultant app that I was 1cm dialted, cervix favourable had sweep etc...

Also been getting braxtons alot and quite tight along with a dulling period pain and backache.

She has booked me in for induction on Monday so im ready to go on Tuesday. i wasn't planning on having induction, i dunno maybe i feel like a failure for agreeing but I have these awful thoughts that what if i reach or go overdue and baby is big and has to have intervention, or worse of all something happens to him I would feel like utter shit especially after what it took to get here in the first place...

I also really wanted a waterbirth, she says if i just have the pessaries and go into labour naturally then its still fine as long as its free... and i dont have to go on the drip...

Also with the induction i know the contractions come on stronger, really don't want an epi...

I don't feel my birth plan has gone tits up because I always said I would consider all options if need be, anyone been through something similar?

I hope I go into Labour before Monday, why does pregnancy have to be so scary. I thought i had conquered all my fears... Maybe i need to go and review them...

Would appreciate your comments...

Thanks for listening...

I know it feels sucky hun :hug: . I think (from my experience) that after so many months pregnant you have it all planned out in your head how things are going to go for you and anything deviating from that is stressful. It's worlds away from the birth plan you have written down - I know I had written down that I was open to other things but I still had it in my head that THIS was how it was going to happen and THIS was how I was going to cope. Hope that makes some sort of sense :? . It's totally overwhelming when the not knowing when your baby will arrive turns into THIS is the day we're going to make things happen! Totally normal to feel confused about things :hug: :hug:

Try to stay focused on things happening without the need for induction - things seemed quite promising today from what you've written. You've said you would consider all options so just remember, don't be a hero. If you decide to have an epidural it's not the end of the world (and you might want one even if things do get moving without induction) so try (I know it's hard) to stay open minded.

Have loads of hugs and just remember - you're going to be a mummy by next week! And I'm away on holiday - BOOHISS! Think I will need a text buddy to keep me updated on what's happening with everyone due to pop :lol:

All the best honey :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wow Sharne I can't believe you are due already!!!!

The day I saw my consultant and he booked me in for induction he did all the usual checks, I was bleeding and in pain and had been for 2 days and he told me it could go on for weeks :lol: I had Sam less than 12 hours later!

I was terrified of induction and was even more mad when they booked it for 26th April (the day before my birthday)

:pray: :pray: :pray: that you go into labour naturally before then.

Good luck honey i'll be checking PF all the time now looking for a labour thread.
Thanks for the replies girls they actually really help!!!

Weird to think i'll have a labour thread let alone a baby... Never thought that would happen this time last year... (I had confirmed blighted ovum on 12/09/07 :( :shock: ) :shock:
I'm going to be going through this Friday (and probably through Saturday too) so although I haven't been through it yet, I feel the same as you. It's a wierd feeling... It's like, although yeah I'm so excited to meet Evie, I can't really think about her yet because I'm scared of the PROCESS of meeting her?! If that makes sense?!

I'd have LOVED to go through early labour at home and just pop off to hospital when I'm ready.

Has your MW or consultant told you if you can go home or not? This is my plan for Friday/Saturday and it's made me feel loads better knowing they'll pop the pessary in and I can wait at home for something to happen;

Friday (morning): 1st pessary administered - sent home for 6 hours.
Friday (6 hours after 1st pessary): If 1st pessary didn't work, 2nd pessary administered - sent home to see if anything progresses.
Saturday (morning): If pessaries haven't done anything, they will try to break my waters and go from there.

SO, if either of the pessaries work, I might be able to experience the early labour at home which is what I wanted! You might get that too hun, especially if you're already 1cm dilated, iirc, the MW said the pessaries are to dilate and soften the cervix - it sounds as though you won't need many?

Some hospitals let you go home after a pessary, others don't. Yours might be one that lets you?

I haven't got any advice hun cos this is all new to me too, but I just wanted to give you some more of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I would say it's normal to feel apprehensive...it's like when you're really looking forward to something so much you get this idea in your head of how it's going to be....and then you tend to feel disappointed when things don't go as planned. I used to do this a lot when I was younger, and still do it sometimes now...I romantacize a situation and inevitably end up disappointed. Not sure how this is going to help you, but I just wanted to let you know that (I think) what you're feeling is normal to a large extent :hug: :hug: :hug:

Keep your chin up and keep your eyes on the prize - regardless of how he gets here you will soon have your beautiful son and none of this worry and crap will mean anything, I promise :)

Much love,

Fairey xxx
And the same goes to you, Miss Dannii Moo :lol: (sorry, tis the only thing I could think of which rhymed :D )

Big hugs for you too :hug: :hug: :hug:
If you stay away from the drip you'll be fine (although some poeple have had the drip and it's not made it any less bearable!)

I was induced by having my waters broken which meant my contractions picked up straight away - didn't need any pain relief - you'll be fine.

Everyone and everyone's labours - until you get there you won't know.

Being induced doesn't make you a failure! I don't seem to have the ability to start labour by myself, but I'm damn good at getting the babies out even if I do say so myself!! :lol:
Heres to you :hug: :hug: :hug: firstly
You have had one almighty shock today/yesterday so your going to feel very confused, in your head before you went to your appointment you'd got till next week and was fine for you to deal with. Try and carry on as you were, your body has already started to do the work so unless you havent dialated anymore then i would have thought that they interfer which is highly unlikely.
Its a very confusing time, you've spent 9months talking about it, sorting things out etc and now all of a sudden it going to become even more real! :shock: You'll be worrying about labour, is it going to be ok, is babe going to be ok, can i do it, how am i going to cope blah blah blah.
And the only thing i would say is try not to worry, everything WILL BE FINE, and you will cope with everything!
Good Luck babes and we're thinking of you.#
:hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies that really helps!

Looks like this time next week I mayhave a little babby :shock:

:hug: awww im sorry i dont have any advice but i really hope u get an easy, natural birth as close to plan as possible! :hug:

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