Ill again and can't sleep!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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I get tonsilitis a lot, on average about 6/7 times a year. 19 days into 2009 and I've got it already! :( To add to it all my entire body hurts. I've had a stiff neck and sore back for a week (probably due to my mattress, I need a new one!) and now my arms and legs have joined in. I feel miserable, I had to get Ewan to help me to the toilet last night which resulted in Ewan telling me he is taking today off work. In the end I phoned my parents to ask if they could look after Aimee today so that Ewan wouldn't miss work as I have no idea what state I'll be in, they were going to pick her up after her breakfast but my dad phoned back 5 minutes later and said he could pick her up then (which was at 8pm). So off Aimee went and my plan was to get an early night, but here I am at 3.38am, still awake, still sore and no where near sleeping.

Ewan is due to get up for work in 3 hours and then I am phoning the doctors at 8am to try for an appointment! Who knows if I will even get any sleep between now and then? :wall:
Aww big hugs hun, never had it myself but my sis suffers really bad too, it seems horrid when she gets it so i can only imagine :hug:
It is awful, imagine a very sore throat and then times it by a thousand! :(

I see you are due really soon!! :D It feels like a million years ago that I was in single figures till Aimee's due date... then I went 13 days overdue!! I shall be keeping on eye on the 3rd tri forums for you now missy! :hug:
Oh i can only imagine hun, sounds horrid, can they not take em out since you have it so much, theyn wont take my sis out as she only gets it like 4 times a year :? They used to take em out at the first sign of trouble.
Dont say that, 13 days over, ill go mad haha Im going mad already lol :rotfl:

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