Ignorant Idiots!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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I have been shopping today with mother and had an excellent day, apart from the GENERAL PUBLIC!!

Now dont get me wrong, it wasnt everyone but has anyone else out there realised how blimmin ignorant some people are out there in the streets, even though your pregnant??????

I got pushed about and walked into so many times, I felt like screaming 'Open your eyes fools!!' it really hacked me off. Next time I go out shopping im going to take a sign and attach it to me saying 'Mind the Bump' I think.

Sorry had to get that rant off my chest :rotfl: I was probably just being too impatient as normal!
No, not at all Jade, i feel the exact same and i think the wost culprits are older people to be honest, i am forever holding doors open for them, get no thanks only for the door to be slammed in my face as i finally try to get into the shop, whereas a lot of people my age and thereabouts are very helpful.

I mean you can hardly miss my bump these days!
:( I know what you mean I went shopping to Asda with my mum the other day and a stupid woman that works there pushed past me, knocking me and bump into the trolley. :cry: She didnt even say soirry, she was to busy talking to her mate :x
Same here Jaidy its happened to me quite a lot, its very frustrating but you must remember that the general public hasnt got time stop and think anymore :roll: the majority of people are in rush now so they don't take any notice.
i had my hen night last saturday and was really scared id get bumped about i was going to put a baby on board sign along with my L sign lol but anytime any body touche me my mates piped up min the baby was really sweet :)

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