if you fancy a giggle


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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I was out at a lunch party at the weekend with some friends. I use the lilypadz for maternity pads (they are a rubber shaped lily pad which suction onto your boob and stop leaking - brilliant by the way)

anyhow, I took my pad off quite happily, laid it on top of my large bag beside me and fed Grace. When I went to put it back on I couldn't find it anywhere.

I told one of my friends and we had a good look around............ I mean how far could it have got ???????????

Then we say my friends puppy running around the garden with it in his mouth............. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: and to make matters worse their other dog joined in and they were fighting over it :rotfl: :rotfl:

Needless to say the dogs got to keep it after all that !!!!!!!
I've been looking at those, are they any good?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh dear lord, I can't breathe *in* *out*

Glad they were working well for you up until then :rotfl:

Mel - They are BRILLIANT! I highly recommend them, for me I had a couple of leaks in the first couple of weeks, but then my supply was still all over the place - they are brilliant now my milk has settled down :cheer:

I got them on ebay, cheaper than the online shops.....shall I hunt down the link for you?
:wave: hi i never had thm i had mothercare brand an they were usless u can see thm aswell tht story was funny :rotfl:

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