If this is indeed slow slow slow labour


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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As per the title, if I am to remain in some sort of slow labour state, ie: very irregular contractions, 3cm dilation and plug loss etc I wonder would my consultant try to give me a hand with a sweep?
I'm due to see him at 38+1 on 12 December (if baby hasn't arrived by then) and surely it wouldn't do any harm if my body has started the process already?

Being impatient I know but it's annoying being in this state of limbo where I feel baby can arrive anytime :roll: hopefully the decision is taken away and baby appears before then.

I always thought I'd be in the "let nature take its course" club but I'm starting to fret about when it will happen and if I'll be on my own etc with o/h working away :roll:
I don't blame you at all, it must be horrible being in limbo and on your own most of the time too, you'll be full term and bubs is a really good weight so it's worth asking I say :) x
I would imagine he would as ur already full term and dilating. Def worth asking him anyway hon cos ur having a tough old time of it xx x
Why not? They can only say no and at least you've asked. When did you lose your plus hun? x
to be honest I'm hoping I don't even make it to my appointment on 12th December. Going on like this for nearly a fortnight will do my head in :wall:
I started losing plug 6 days ago hun, not all in one go, just was there every time I go to the loo getting bored of seeing it now lol :roll: x
Cant see them doing it tbh, but maybe you will be lucky? I dont think they like bringing labour on unless there are medical reasons or you are overdue

Fx it happens for you soon and quickly
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Yeah that's what I'm thinking is likely :( he'll tell me to go home and be patient :wall: stupid thing is I know he'd be right too **sigh**
I don't know hun but worth asking. Just wanted to offer my support :hug: Must be mucho frustrating.xx

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