If it's not one thing it's another!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Ever since I found out we are expecting I've been waiting to buy things for Sebesatian until after Summers birthday and, except for really bargainous things, that's what we've done. Now her birthdays over with and I am finally ready to start 'essential' buying as well as getting some stuff for Christmas presents and what happens? We have 2 birthday parties this week which equals two presents and a twin birthday party next week which equals two more presents, plus I have to pay my sister for the DS she got hold of for Summers birthday (second hand-yes I would like to afford brand new stuff but I can't). To top it off I'd seen a couple of real bargains on eBay, one ends tomorrow so was planning on bidding for it tomorrow when OH gets paid and one ends on Wednesday which I would of bid on if I didn't win this one! But now it's looking increasingly unlikely that I'll be able to bid for something that would set Sebastian up for 3 months! I'm so frustrated! Tax credits are pissing about so we're living on, at the moment £50 from my account and between £100-£150 a week from OH's wage! Grrr! Plus gotta put £20 on gas and electric meters and buy food. I just wanna start preparing as only got 18 weeks left and the way it's flying by Sevastian'll be here in no time and we'll have nothing ready!!!! Aaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhh! I feel like such a failure! Sorry for the rant guys x you're probably sick of me! Lol x x
Let it out, it always helps I find! Things always happen at once I find especially regarding money. I hope things get easier for you xx
have you applied for SureStart? we are going to tomorrow, hopefully we will be allowed it because we are on low income
We've not applied yet as I don't think you can apply until you're a certain amount of weeks pg but we definatly will be applying x I'm also going to the doctors tomorrow to (hopefully) get a medical cert that'll entitle me to income support due to my back problems x I know I don't have to rush out and buy everything all at once but I just wanna start to get some things together x lol
We've not applied yet as I don't think you can apply until you're a certain amount of weeks pg but we definatly will be applying x I'm also going to the doctors tomorrow to (hopefully) get a medical cert that'll entitle me to income support due to my back problems x I know I don't have to rush out and buy everything all at once but I just wanna start to get some things together x lol

Hi Helen - may I ask what you're claiming right now to get £50 a week? I get Income Support. I know what you mean Jacobs got two parties to go to next week :shock: I mean the parents say you don't have to get anything but seriously how can you send your child empty handed?? I know Jacob is only one but seriously I can't let him go to a party without taking a present!!
I get child tax credit (well it's from my and OH's joint claim but it goes into my accountvand when they pull their fingers out their arses he'll get the working tax in his account) it's from the claim we made when he was working then we told them he'd been fired and the working tax stopped but not the child tax-I've checked 2-3 times that they've not made a mistake but they're adamant they haven't and now we're trying to sort out the new claim because he's back in work!!!
Ahh because you're a joint claim I doubt you will get Income Support if I'm totally honest. Worth applying though xx

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