If being overdue wasn't bad enough...


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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I now think I'm getting ill on top :wall: :wall: :wall:

Feel like I'm getting a sore throat and got that funny feeling in my head like a bad colds on the way.

James' best friend has been off school ill today so I've probably caught something from him, and if thats the case James' will probably get it too.

The bloody school run is bad enough already without being ill too :cry:
Oh no, thats the last thing you want.

I would get a good dose of warm honey & lemon on the go and pop a couple of paracetamol's.

Just boil up some half lemons and add honey, then drink.

My OH's dad swears by hot bovril with lots of pepper, must say tried it once and it did actually work but I prefer the lemon mixture.
Flu symptoms can be labour signs :D

The most common signs that labor may soon begin include:
*The baby "drops" or engages into the pelvis, which is called lightening. Lightening may occur two to four weeks prior to labor in first-time mothers and often not until labor begins if you have previously had children.
*Your abdomen usually appears lower and more protruding.
*You may experience a greater ease in breathing, relief from heartburn and an ability to eat larger portions.
*However, the lower position of the baby together with its greater size, can lead to:
*Increased backache and sacroiliac discomfort
*Increased awkwardness in walking
*Increased frequency of urination
*Frequent bowel movements may be experienced within 48 hours of labor, cleansing the lower bowel in preparation for birth.
*Diarrhea or flu like symptoms without fever. Indigestion, nausea, or vomiting are common a day or so before labor begins.
*Increased vaginal discharge during the last few weeks of pregnancy as the body prepares for the passage of the baby through the birth canal.
*Increased Braxton-Hicks contractions during the last weeks of pregnancy, which are "practice" contractions that prepare the uterus for labor and may cause some effacement and dilation (thinning and opening) of the cervix. These contractions do not ordinarily cause pain but may be sufficiently strong and regular to be confused with true labor. This is referred to as false labor.
*Possible "bloody show" or the release of slightly brown, pink or blood-tinged mucus from effacement and dilation (the thinning and opening) of the cervix, causing the mucus plug to be released from the cervix.
*Some women notice a sudden burst of energy, sometimes called a "nesting instinct" approximately 24-48 hours before the start of labor. You may feel a strong desire to clean the house and prepare for the baby. Try not to tire yourself as nature gives you this extra energy to help you during labor. If you must be active, be careful not to overexert yourself!
*A loss or leveling off in weight may be noticed in the last few days before labor begins. It is common to lose 1-3 pounds of fluid before labor begins as a result of hormonal shifts.
*Mother just feels "different," not quite herself.The bag of water may break. Depending on the location of the break in the amniotic sac, the break can feel like a gush, or an uncontrolled trickle of fluid coming from the vagina

from here http://babies.sutterhealth.org/laboranddelivery/labor/
there you go Muppet Mummy

you never know...i have quite a few of those symptoms

i have heard the achey flu type feeling is very common pre labour
I did not know that!!lol

I hope you feel better soon....Or that itis impending labour!! Good luck :hug:
I hope it is a sign of labour. I am so fed up with being pregnant. Feels like I'm gonna be pregnant forever at the moment!
Have been feeling sick today and got a dodgy stomach too.
I have been getting labour signs for about a month though so I'm not holding my breath!

I have a couple of thoses signs too... I don't think baby is in any rush though!

If you could see my flat at the moment you'd think the birth was imminent- I've tidied it to within an inch of its life! I have my younger brother tomorrow so I've told my mum I'll give her house a good seeing to whilst I'm there! :rotfl:

MM- I'm sure something will happen soon... hopefully Logan will be a quick arrival like Samuel was for Emma- there HAS to be some light at the end of the tunnel! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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