iCandy peach?

Sleepy sue

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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Hi ladies, just wondered if any one has chosen the icandy peach or has used one. I went to John Lewis today to have a look at some pushchairs as I'd been convinced I was going to have the stokke xplory but the peach has really turned my head!!
Any opinions/reviews would be most grateful x
iCandy are gorgeous, deffo my next pram, I love the sweetpea one :love: xx

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Sweetpea is gorgeous and if you get it I will be forever jealous xx

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meeeeeeeee!! the icandy peach is on my list, i can't decide between that and the bugaboo but i reckon the icandy peach :lol:

i'm going to john lewis on 24 november at 7pm for a demonstration of the new icandy strawberry, look it up hun, its lush!! just hoping its in shops before my due date! xx
I had a look at the strawberry and I didnt like it to be honest, the material is moleskin which is a little bit odd and although the pushchair bit and the frame fold up together they are really bulky. I went to an independant shop and she basically told us not to buy it and get the cherry (which is cheaper) instead. I am in love with my cherry as it is so light but with the peach you do have the option of making it a tandem if you want to!!
Thanks for that mrs N, trust me the tandem option is not going to be used :)
Moleskin is very random for a pushchair.

What's the difference between cherry and peach? X

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I'm thinking of getting the peach blossom this time!
The cherry is a very lightweight one wereas the peach is much more bulky/sturdy. I struggled to lift the peach (I am a wimp tho) wereas the cherry is very light. Think it depends on if you plan to walk loads or not. I drive a lot so the cherry is perfect as it is easy to lift in and out of the car but if you walk off road a lot then you might want the peach. Just check what the tyres are made of as I know either the peach or the apple are air filled tyres.
We went for I candy pear with the twins it's a lovely pram and you can get fab customs for it! All icandys are lovely x
Ive brought 2nd hand could never afford new iCandy apple with the jogger wheel, and double weel... I love icandy, huge fan.
I like the look of these, I want the 3 wheeled version though and it's not out yet :(
Lol apple I'm not surprised :)

Yeah I wanted the jogger but don't know when it's due to be released :(
they are saying the jogger will be in December but they told me August, then September, then October, then November - so i'm not holding my breath! xx
I plan to get the pip converter for my apple to change it into the pair. already have front pair wheels. (came with pram)
my friend swears on her my3 from mothercare. but after a while with a small car she got a buggy.
dont forget, i was told this by my friend who ran the pram shop, a baby should not be in a car seat for longer than 2 hrs at a time, cause there spine is curved... i never knew that. so think of that when buying travel systems that are just pram and car seat, cause babys should be flat for 1st six months, hence the cary cot options.

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