Iam Back and hope to stay this time xx


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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:wave: Hello Ladies,
Can I join you all again? I have had a BFP: result after a long time trying and also losing, I should have been due next month but...sadly lost. so I hope and pray this little one can go to full term.

I am looking forward to sharing stories and travelling the PG road with you all if you will let me :hug:

Because of my history I called the EPU this morning and booked a Scan for Friday... :cheer: ... I am sure all i will see is a Very small bean, not even sure a heartbeat will register this early...I know normally 5-6weeks but I don't think i am even that far gone yet.... I think 2-3 weeks at moment so we shall wait and see. :D

I have been told i will get regular scans so I hope to hear a good strong HB soon....Also I have my first anti natal appointment at my GP's on Tuesday...... So different form my last PG's....

I am getting immediate attention this time....and it feels great


I hope you are all well? Lv Yvonne xx
Great to se you in here Hon, I remember you from TTC. I hope all goes well for you this time round. I never knew how scarey this bit was. It seems to take soooo long to get through first tri. Taking it day by day. Great to have another familiar name around.

Becs :dance: :clap:
Wow, congratulations Yvonne! I really hope everything goes well for you this time, make sure you keep us all updated on your scans and appointments - it's nice to know they are taking care of you!

Piglet xxx
Congratulations :cheer:

I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy :hug:
Hi again yvonne!

Im so happy you are here!
Its great that you managed to get an early scan booked and that the docs are being good with you!

Big hugs,

Flower x
:wave: all, Thank you, great to see so many familiar names from TTC over here too.... :cheer: I hope we all have great happy healthy PG's

Thank you for the welcome too.... :hug: lv Yvonne xx
hello hun,

i know i have already said this but huge congrats again and had a great 9 months, im hoping to be joining you again soon :pray:

Good luck for next week too hun :hug: :hug:

Just had to say congrats and best of luck to you for this pregnancy. :hug:

Don't really know you, but so pleased for you, as I have read so many of your posts. Here's to a happy and healthy pregnany!

many congrats xxx
Congrats Yvonne!

Im so pleased for you and hope everything goes well for you and little bean!
I hope I will be joining you soon!

Luv Jo xxx
congratulations :cheer:
i remember you from when i first joined 1st tri.
i hope it all goes well for u this time, take care of urself and best of luck xx
Thats lovely news Yvonne, many congratulations. I will keep all my fingers and toes crossed for you.

Hiya Yvonne,

You're not far from me and we're due around the same time :dance:

Congratulations on your pregnancy! :clap:

So sorry to hear about your lost little ones. I wish you all the best for this pregnancy. I'm glad to hear that they're taking care of you early this time.

Welcome back aboard!

congratulations! hope you have a really healthy pregnancy! :) x
glad to see your back Yvonne.

wishing you a great pregnancy and a gorgeous healthy baby!

:hug: :cheer: :cheer: :pray:
Congratulations :cheer: , glad you're getting the attention and support you need early on. :hug: . Wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months!

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