I will now say goodbye to you all


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Yesterday was my 6th day of bleeding and the aches and cramps were quite bad, but nothing major. I kept feeling this bloated fullness right behind the pubic bone which was really uncomfortable, just like it felt i needed to wee. The bleeding had also almost stopped. I decided to have a bath in the evening to try and ease the cramps so i went to the toilet before jumping in. After finishing, i stayed on the toilet for a while, dont know why, maybe instinct?? Then i felt something slide out of me. As i looked to see what it was, this warm, thick treacle like gush of blood came from me. I went hot with fright and panic but then kept telling myself "its ok, you knew this could happen, its normal". Withing a split second all the cramping had gone and i felt great. I still got into the bath and got quite emotional at being so proud of my body for doing what it had to do. I went for a scan this morning and have been given the all clear. A complete miscarriage. The hospital have been wonderful with me and im so relieved its all over and done with and no medical intervention is needed. I know some people have horrific miscarriages but mine was so simple and easy and i feel kind of lucky in a way. So i am now going back to bed for some much needed sleep and try to relax. Thank you to everyone who has given me advice over the past few weeks and i hope you all go on to have happy healthy pregnancies. I hope its safe to say you wont be seeing me on here again (this particular topic). xxx
:hug: im relieved for u hun, and u should be proud of yourself. this section is always open to u, u know that. its not just for when ur going through the mc, its for after it aswell. if u ever need to vent or get anything of ur chest or even to feel sorry for yourself anytime u can always post in here. i still do from time to time. are you ttc again now? all the best hun xxx
dina.marie said:
:hug: are you ttc again now?
No hun im not. My boyfriend left me just over two weeks ago anyway and im definitely not ready to even think of looking for another man. Im actually going to do what ive wanted to do for a couple of years now and thats go to an animal rescue and adopt a dog desperately wanting a loving home. My first choice would be an ex racing greyhound, but any fur baby will do. Animals are my life and if im honest i much prefer them to people :lol: (Oh god that sounded terrible! I dont mean i prefer them to having a baby :shock: ) You know what i mean though :wall:
Take care hun, come back and say hi soon :) i m/c in June but im still hanging around here like a bad smell and not TTC :p
mabelina said:
dina.marie said:
:hug: are you ttc again now?
No hun im not. My boyfriend left me just over two weeks ago anyway and im definitely not ready to even think of looking for another man. Im actually going to do what ive wanted to do for a couple of years now and thats go to an animal rescue and adopt a dog desperately wanting a loving home. My first choice would be an ex racing greyhound, but any fur baby will do. Animals are my life and if im honest i much prefer them to people :lol: (Oh god that sounded terrible! I dont mean i prefer them to having a baby :shock: ) You know what i mean though :wall:

a friend of mine adopted a rescue ex racing greyhound and he was lovely. take care xx
Sorry to hear that hun,

I wish you all the best for the future :hug:
so sorry to hear about your loss

Take care :hug:
Wishing you all the very best in the future.

We have adopted 2 dogs - one dalmatain and one collie and they are my rocks. They just know when you are low and love you unconditionally. It feels so good that we have been able to give them a loving home when they were so cruelly abandoned by people they showed nothing but love to.

I hope you find your new best friend - and maybe one day you'll be back with good news on the baby front

Much love


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