I weed myself


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Just asking because I thought it may be a symptom.

Before I needed the toilet , The feeling of needing a wee just came & at the same time OH needed a wee too, Anyway I must have been stood outside the toilet for about 5 seconds and I just weed :( I have never had week bladder problems before.

Do you reckon this could be a symptom or that it's all just in my head?
Maybe... though I haven't heard that to be a symptom....

I know how you feel though, hey trying living with it all the time and having to wear a panty liner all the time lol I suffer from a weak bladder and the pelvic floor excercises don't help neither...

Fingers crossed for you hunni xx
I haven't heard of it being a symptom either, but I'm a bit confused - according to the old ticker you had on here a couple of days ago don't you still have a couple of days to go until ovulation? x
I did have a panty liner on at the time because of cervical mucus , so it wasnt really that bad :)
Sorry... did you mean a symptom of ovulation? x
No pregnancy.. but then i thought I am rather daft asking this question as there is no way i have conceived yet.
I just post because the slightest little thing gets my hopes up :( .. i have been weeing alot aswell but that may just be a coinsidence
I know what you mean about analysing every little symptom! You need to ovulate first though... fingers crossed for you! :dust:
I am ovulating :) have been since yesterday so I hope this is my month xx
Are you using an ovulation kit Charlene? Or checking temp? It's hard not too pick up every little symptom when you are TTC, fingers crossed for you :dust: x
What do you mean you have been since yesterday? x
Been Ovulating since yesterday :) and yes Febmum2be ov sticks x
Once you ovulate your egg lasts on average 24 hours hun, have you been bd'ing in the days leading up to ovulation?x
But ovulation only happens on one day, that's why I was confused. Do you mean that yesterday was the start of your fertile period leading up to ovulation? x
I'm confused.. How come you're symptom spotting before you have ovulated? Or am have I just read this wrong and sound silly?x
I sound stupid.
I thought I was symptom spotting because I am in my Fertile days now, but then I realised I just sound like an idiot!
Just ignore me. all this TTC is driving me nutty
Ah sorry hun, I just got confused, wasn't sure if I had read it right.. Been a long day! You don't sound like an idiot.. I'm a bigger one for not being able to read :lol: You are in the best days now so make sure theres plenty of bd for the next few days :dust:
There certainly will be :) .. got the pains now leading upto ovulation and by god it f*****g hurts! sat here like a muppet crying!

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