:( I want to moan!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I feel MISERABLE today, absolutely miserable and i hate it!!! I have done since igot up so its nothing special which has caused it, but...

My eyes are itchy as hell
I've got thrush
I've just found stretch marks on my tummy and they get really bad if i unstretch the skin
AND to top it all off i've just broken my tens machine! I caught the wires on something and its broken the pads.

Anyone else having random days or grouchiness?? Usually id try and let things go over my head but im totally fed up today
awww hun :hug: hope you feel better tomorrow, go have a lay down, watch a bit of TV and chill out!!

Yeah i have those days already - god knows what im going to be like when bump gets even bigger and i have even more aches and pains than i do now :rotfl:
Sorry you've had such a crap day :hug: Can you take the tens machine back and pretend it was broken when you opened it?

I'm getting fed up of being sociable today, everyday since my maternity leave started I have had things to do/people to see/invites etc. Getting out and about is not really my thing and I'm getting really grouchy that I haven't had a chance to chill properly yet. I may have to fake an illness next week just to get some peace and quiet! Also I have had hayfever quite badly today and my cousin took me to sit in a field full of cut hay with our dogs :x
I've ordered more pads for my tens now, they arnt expensive, its just that now i have to kidna hope i dont go in to labour until they're here.

I think im also feeling a little wierd cos baby daddies mum text me today and part of me doesnt wanna talk to her cos i dont want her pushing him to be involved, but then she's been nothing but nice to me and freely admits her sons an idiot, i just really hope he stays away and the only thing that might make him be involved is if he feels it'll make his mum happy or she's making him. I will text her back, i just dont feel like it, and then i feel bad cos i dont wanna deprive her of her grandaughter.
I think its normal to have bad days but it seems worse because of the hormones, get some chocolate and watch some tv i find that normally helps!

:hug: :hug: :hug: Awww hang in there hun....I'm finding that I get days like that already and I don't really have any good reason other than I guess I'm run down. Hope you feel better soon. :hug: :hug:

Hope you feel better really soon. I have bad days too (had a moan on here the other day); persistant thrush and allergies are the last thing you need (I've had them too - luckily the thrush has disappeared over the last two months and I am usually able to avoid the things that make my allergies bad - cats and mould, but I wouldn't like to have them right now!!!)

I've felt quite snappy and volatile over the last few weeks too!!! Must be the hormones!!!

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