I want to be a mummy now!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Was so hoping bubs would be here before her due date. I know I've got just under a week til then but really can't see it happening! So fed up of being a beach ball I just want to hold my baby in my arms! What on earth was mother nature/god thinking making us wait 40 weeks and sometimes 42! It's just torture lol. Glad I ain't an elephant sod waiting that long!!!!!
I'm starting to feel the same!! Although still torn between wanting to keep my independence for a tiny scrap longer and just getting the whole birth thing over and done with!! No signs whatsoever here....
I feel exactly the same honey, totally fed up and want him here now! My work colleagues were due same time as me and they have both had their babies!! I totally feel like I am the last in line and I just want to meet him!! Not fair making us wait this long is it?! Xx
I just think myself lucky I'm not a rabbit lol. They can be pregnant with one litter and hold 2 more in stasis ready to form straight after the birth.....feck that lol. This is me trying to be positive by the way :D
I am feeling the same but unfortuately until baby wants to arrive he will remain tucked away, strangely im looking forward to my waters going, think I am just curious at to how it feels/how much there will be xxx
I am feeling the same but unfortuately until baby wants to arrive he will remain tucked away, strangely im looking forward to my waters going, think I am just curious at to how it feels/how much there will be xxx

Surprisingly enough there's only about 4-5 cups of water, although you tell that to the poor sod mopping it up in aisle 3 of your local tesco :D
Ha Ive been taking the dog for a walk on a daily basis, and have to thoroughly think about my outfit, something which will disguise either my waters going or if I cough and wee myself! ha
Also another dilemma, I want to go sit in the park with the dog today for a few hours catch some sun, but there are no toilets so how am I going to get around needing a wee in the middle of the park without having to come all the way home?? xxxx
I feel as impatient as you ladies and I still have ages to go- why is time slowing down?!?!?!

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