I want a scan!


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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don't know weather I can but is there any chance I can convince my doctor to give me an ealier scan as I want to see if there is actually a baby in there :( even though I have done about 8 pregnancy tests I still don't belive it :( .

I can't wait till 12 weeks that's TOOOO long!:wall2:
you can pay for a private one..
I dont think theyll give you an early scan hun, but if you wanted you could get a private scan for about £50. Waiting though always makes it that extra bit special :) I think of it as testing my patience ready for parent hood!!
Hehe if I had it my way I'd be hooked up to a permanent scanning machine just to keep an eye on everything....I have a feeling I'm gonna be a rather protective mummy!
I know wish you could buy the ultrasound machines! .. Id be scanning every day :) and aww bless is it your first xx
Yes it is Charlene, how about you?? I only found out yesterday and it's like I want my baby NOW!! I'm almost jealous of people who find out at 12 weeks cos at least they can get the scan and start telling people lol x
Yes my first baby :) I'm only 19 so very young too
Although people probably think I'm too young I've been dreaming of being a mum since I was about 13! Plus my partner is 35 so we thought better to start our family sooner rather than later! Bless him, he is well chuffed he's finally gonna be a daddy :)
Just remember if you go too early they may not see much. As impatient as i felt i'm glad i waited till my 12 week scan xx
I know wish you could buy the ultrasound machines! .. Id be scanning every day :) and aww bless is it your first xx

omg i knoooow. i didn't even know you only get 2 scans during pregnancy only recently found out! so i'm gutted i wont be getting another one.. but at the same time glad everything is okay with baby and don't need one.. would be nice to see him though, waaaah! it'd be good if those dopplers had screens hehe ;)

we should write to the people who make them!

although i heard a rumour that ultrasound is bad if used too much.. who knows!

xxbeckyxx how old are you if you dont mind me asking :)

And yes Ria too many scans during pregnancy is bad xx
I know :) I cant wait though, Im counting down the days I need to stop!!
I'd suggest if you're going to pay for a private scan, then wait to 7 weeks so a HB can definitely be seen :)
Whats HB Mamafy :) I need to learn all the abbreviations

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