I want a baby...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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...but im worried about what my family will think. im married and have been for a year now. I know my family arnt 100% happy about me even thinking about it. I have a good job and a house and i feel like im ready (apart from being scared of giving birth).

Did any one else have trouble with there family when they found out about a pregnancy?
how old r u hunni?
if ur married surely ur family cant have a serious problem about it as u r in a good relationship!
and ur married how u manage that one lol u get ur parents permission my parents would ape it lol
yeah lol well my husband is a great guy..all my family want him lol. :D
ye me n sarah are the anti-men group hehe
"WE H8 MEN, WE H8 MEN, WE H8 MEN!!!"
Hi Jenna

Welcome to the board!

You asked if any of us had trouble with their family when we found out we were pregnant.
I imagine its very different depending on whether you planned the baby or not to start with. I found out I was pregnant (unplanned) in January this year (3 months before my 19th birthday). My parents were very supportive, but i feel they would have gone ballistic if they knew it was planned.

Wanting a baby is VERY different to the reality of actually having one. If i could change things, I would have waited at least a couple of years to at least have got my career of the ground. I work in a music shop so my income isnt great, its not where i want to be, and i would struggle if it wasnt for my boyfriend's job.

My first impression would be that you don't sound ready for a baby if you're worried what your family would think. But of course its completely you and your OH's desision at the end of the day, and if you both want it you should discuss your future properly, they don't stay babies for very long.

Sorry if this sounded nasty, it wasnt meant to be
My first impression would be that you don't sound ready for a baby if you're worried what your family would think. But of course its completely you and your OH's desision at the end of the day, and if you both want it you should discuss your future properly, they don't stay babies for very long
i was thinking the same thing dont do it just for d pretty clothes it aint easy n u have to be ready
bayley n sera r gd :D n jenna i agree with izzy, babies grow into tantrummin toddlers n then noisy kids. if i had planned my 2/3 my mum wud av gone ballistic 2 lol and ideally i wud have waited a couple more years.
luv b x
Its not that im not ready. My parents know im good with children and that im responsible but my parents are very over protective and i think if i said to my dad "your going to be grandad" he would flip...not because im too imature to be a mum but because it would make him feel old. My dads only 45 and i think the idea scares him. My mums been dropping hints about me having a baby and i think she would be over the moon!

I just dont like the idea of some one telling me i shouldnt have a baby then when they get over there problems to come to me and want to talk to my bump. it just doesnt seem right. :? I just want every one to be happy about it but i think that is a very nieve dream?

First off welcome to the forum.
Second of all if you deep down want a baby its you who has to want it not no one else.You are married so you dont have to get your parents permssion.
All i got to say is they are hard work and it changes your life around.
Good luck for whichever you choose...
Jenna I'm sure you are ready, and are a lot more prepared for this than most your age

I mean what is age? Its nothing but a guide to maturity.. but its not accurate, i know 20 year olds as immature as 16 year olds

I also know 16 year olds as mature as a 20 year old

Some said the reality of a baby is a lot different than planning for one, thats 100% true !!

I dont know you personally but if i had to make a split decision now i think that the fact your on here for a starters seeking advice, reading topics finding out info shows that strangely enough even though your 17 you may well be ready for a child!

Ive read so many teen pregnancy topics and the mothers say it doesnt wreck your life, its not the end of the world...

I just think at such a young age.. their is no rush !! Why not wait for a bit, a year... maybe 2. Go see the world with your hubby!

A lot can happen then, maybe good things maybe bad

But alls im saying is their doesn't seem to be any rush for you, so just make sure that this baby is well and truely the answer to all your questions

Good Luck
JMC said:
Jenna I'm sure you are ready, and are a lot more prepared for this than most your age

I mean what is age? Its nothing but a guide to maturity.. but its not accurate, i know 20 year olds as immature as 16 year olds

I also know 16 year olds as mature as a 20 year old

Some said the reality of a baby is a lot different than planning for one, thats 100% true !!

I dont know you personally but if i had to make a split decision now i think that the fact your on here for a starters seeking advice, reading topics finding out info shows that strangely enough even though your 17 you may well be ready for a child!

Ive read so many teen pregnancy topics and the mothers say it doesnt wreck your life, its not the end of the world...

I just think at such a young age.. their is no rush !! Why not wait for a bit, a year... maybe 2. Go see the world with your hubby!

A lot can happen then, maybe good things maybe bad

But alls im saying is their doesn't seem to be any rush for you, so just make sure that this baby is well and truely the answer to all your questions

Good Luck

Taken the words out of my mouth :D
I think i am going to have to agree with Izzy on this one. You obviously feel you are completely ready for a baby, but when your ready you should have NO doubts about ANYTHING, this is a big thing and even though they are doubts on what people will think they are still doubts. It wont hurt you to wait, and you are still young, as most of the girls on here have said theirs wasnt planned, and they would of waited if they had the opportunity. I dont personally think anyone can be ready to do such a big thing if they are asking people wether it is the right thing to do or not.

Of course my opinion is of no value when it comes to cut. It is up to you to sit long and hard to decide, but the last thing you want during pregnancy is stress and worry cause it isnt good for you or the baby and it can not always be avoided, but in this case it can and i beileve it should.

I hope everything works out for you and welcome to the forum.
Please dont take anything i have said as harsh or in a bad way as nothing i say is meant in a bad way, i will always say what i personally think when i answer questions asked.

Best wishes
well they know im TTC now and every ones happy! :D
my pregnancy was not planned but i wud not change a thing, i am glad it happened and i dont regret it one bit:) i love my little b ubs, i am 18 but i will be just as gud a mum as someone at 25:) it is completely up to you:)
mine wasnt planned either and im happy as ever!!! im just saying that as you can see alot of people on this thread have said that theres was unplanned and if they had the choice they would of waited :) but now they are happy as ever too :)

Congratulations Jenna, *Throws baby dust your way*

cas xx

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