i think this might actually be it!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
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but am try not 2 get my hopes up 2 much incase its not :oops: not even told my OH yet, been gettin twinges all day n had my show earlier please be it PLEASE!!!!!! :pray: :pray:
C'mon yvanne - u have to b before me!!!

Good luck, think happy thoughts and get the bubba out!! :dance: :dance:
good luck hun fingers crossed, tomorrow would be good share a birthday with hannah lol
am currently away 2 take sum parocetomal n have a cosy water bottle, then bath in an hour or so, have now told my OH he doesnt believe me!!!!! lol as if id lie!!!! OMG i reall ythink this is it :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
i hope so hun... :hug:
let us know how you feel after your bath! it sounds like the early stages to me..after my show i just felt so periody and achy and then it just built up..gradually got more sore and my contractions started! i reckon thats whats happening to you and coz its your 2nd i bet it happens quite fast!!

Yay good luck :) keep us posted!! *sends good labour vibes your way*

k am in half a mind now :think: it is sore 2 sit down (wen im gettin a contraction) but if im standin wen i get 1 its AGONY, now i remember reading summit sumwhere bout this and cant remember if its false labour where its sore wen ur standing or sittin any ideas girls??
im not to sure :S

but if i was you i would be panicing by now lol!

good luck hun and cant wait to see pics :cheer:
i found my contrations worse when sitting down..i was walking round the room really fast when they were bad coz it was marginally less painful.
also are you getting those burning pains down the front of your thighs when u have a contraction?
a bit not too badly tho, lol am sittin denying 2 myself that i cud b in labour!!!
dont deny it for too long hun coz i've heard lots of stories about 2nd time births...apparently they are all quite quick once labour has started! that burning down the legs is a sign things are moving coz its where the baby presses on nerves when moving down!!
i dont wanna go all way up 2 hosp 2 b sent home tho :oops: :oops: plus there still no 2 close 2gether so am not too bad!!!
how exciting! ahhhh i remember the evening when i went into labour......thinking oh is this it?!!! lol its so exciting!!

GOOD LUCK!!! hope your lo arrives soon!!! xxx
lol ud never think id already had a baby, my mind is blank wen i think bout having chloe :oops: :oops:
ok hun..you'll know when its time to go anyway its not like your new to this!!
i hope this is it for you..good luck hun!
i'm just going to feed hayden but i'll check back in later!! xxx
i remeber i could not sit down with contractions when i was having sophie

hope everything goes ok for hun

and if this is it GOOD LUCK :cheer: :cheer:

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