i think this might actually be it!!!

Good luck, maybe when i log on tomorrow you will have a birth message here :wink:
well am still unsure :doh: i feel a twit lol,am gunna go 2 bed 2 rest and see if these pains are actually going anywhere!!!!if this is braxton hicks then OMG oooooooooooowwwww!!! :shock:
I posted in ur other thread and awaited ur reply and missed this one!!
I hope this is it!! I couldnt stand with jayce but sitting helped me. Every labour is different whether uve had 1 or 10 kids!!
id start timing them if i were u.. braxton hicks can be painful too! i had them for 4 weeks!! so bad they thought i was in labour!! monitor n'all!! lol!
still here, still in pain, still not frequent enough to even phone hosp n now baby has hiccups, which feels strange so low down!!!
surely you don't have a show and then BH??
Isn't the show a sign of impending labour??
(sorry am unsure!!) lol!!
Ooooooooooooo how exciting!
My friend had her show at about 9pm and waters broke at 2am...
And mums friend had 2 days between her show and going into labour!!

Oooooooooo i hope you're ok hun!!!

Good luck!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
well im still here!!! contracting bout 10mins apart now(have been all bloody nite!!!! am tired n grumpy n just want 2 b able 2 go in2 hosp n get gas and air aaaaaaah blisssss!!!!!
Ooo sounds like you're getting there hun! You'll be holding your baby before you know it! So exciting :D Good luck :cheer:
wots BH hayley?? or am i jusyt bein daft and cant figure it out?
Oooh Yvanne, can't be long for you now - hope the contractions speed up a little bit and then you can get to the hospital. I would be pooing myself big time by now. How are you staying so calm??!!
Yvanne said:
wots BH hayley?? or am i jusyt bein daft and cant figure it out?

Braxton Hicks :D

oooh am so excited for you :cheer:
Hope you have made it to hospital now ! good luck huni!! :dance:
awww bless ya, i cant imagine how crappy it must get at the end, hopefully you ladies will be around to reassure us :D

hope u have LO in ur arms soon xx
at this moment in time id settle for gas and air am in such agony :( lol OH is laughin at me cos im sat on comp!!! just started timing again 2 see how im doing, my other birthing parter(my sis) is workin (lol she works on labour suite...) n she says its quiet, so mite b able 2 go in soon even im im not too dialated :cheer:
How exciting, soon you will have your baby in your arms.

Best of luck, as you already know, all this pain is TOTALLY worth it!!

Oooo, I've missed all the excitement!!!

Good luck Yvanne, not long now!!! :cheer:
omg its just sinking in this time 2mo i more than likely will have my LO in my arms HURRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH :cheer:

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