I think she's a faker rant!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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I'm just getting this off my chest because it's been bugging me for ages and maybe i'll feel a little less frustrated by the whole situation afterwards...

So i know a girl who i used to hang around with as a kid and only really communicate with via Facebook. I don't live near her anymore and i haven't seen her in years. She was always a bit annoying and clingy but i kind of put up with her because i felt sorry for her.

Well we talked about ttc and she was ttc too but everything she said seemed too exaggerated to me.

She said things like she was having sex 4 times per day every day and i was just thinking, whatever. Then she got pregnant practically immediately and i just thought it sounded all too convenient.

I know it's horrible but i didn't believe her and i was waiting for "the miscarriage" because there was no way she was actually going to give birth to a baby that didn't exist.

Well now all the drama is starting and she's having bleed scares and appointments and infections and weightloss and more bleeding and i don't have an ounce of sympathy for her, i feel irritated. I'm thinking "oh just hurry up and have the m/c already".

I feel so guilty because i don't actually know for a fact that she is faking, but i can't help it. I just feel like i have zero tolerence and everytime someone posts support i feel like they are being stupid.

I feel offended by her using the whole ttc/pregnancy thing as a source of attention when it is so serious to me.

Argh, i don't know what to think :(

She isn't aware of my feeling btw :oooo:
Ugh she sounds vile.
Some people just crave attention though don't they? And people are naturally sympathetic towards pregnancy related complications so she obv knows what she is doing if she is a faker.
It's sad because if she's faking it, it could come back and haunt her when she does want a baby.
I always feel a bit sorry for people like this. It's sad that they have to go to these extremes to get people to notice them.
Yeah, I'd keep them to yourself if I was you (not from us obviously) but defintely dont voice them on facebook! If you dont know 100% then best to stay well away from that sort of acusation, you could end up being targetted big time. I dont know why i'm saying this, you're too smart to do that anyway. But I really would just put in some distance if i was you xx
I would just send her a message saying your sorry for all the hell she's going through, but you have your own problems too and hearing about her dilemmas are upsetting you and giving you worries into your own future pregnancy. TTC is emotionally draining enough without others bragging, panicking and rubbing your nose in it. (the first and last are happening to me at the moment)

Then again. There is that amazing remove from friends, or block, button. But thats just me. Sorry, feeling a bit rebelious this evening.
Louise I felt exactly the same about my ex best friend, her and her Hubby were getting divorced hadn't had sex in six months apparently, then two weeks after signing divorce papers just happened to go for an ultrasound for something and was told she was convieniently 12 weeks pregnant! Which was such a shock to her as she was on the pill, only has one tube and her and Hubby wern't having sex! Immaculate conception!!? I just thought the same as you, as if, she's faking, will announce m/c soon. She always want attention and this was just another way of getting it. And right up untill she had the baby a few weeks ago I still thought she was lying lol. I'm sure some people do lie about pregnancies for attention but you just never know. I think were bound to be more sensitive to it with wanting it so much ourselves. Anyway, don't let it eat you up. Like you said, you don't have much to do with her other than f/b so try blocking her updates and put her to the back of your mind. I have a handful of preggers distant friends on f book who's updates I've blocked cos it's just a bit hard for me to read at the moment, and you know what, ignorance is bliss and I'm not offending anyone lol. All the best
Toni x
gotta love fb " dear diary" attention seekers. I have a "friend" that im not close to who blabs on how busy she is and how fully booked her social activity is on her status (but not too busy to broadcast it on fb) and she updates her status 5 times a day LOL. You just have to feel sorry for that kind of person, deep down its to cover their deep feelings of insecurities. Do you know that you can hide her news feeds?

on you fb "home" where you see news feeds of other people's status, post, etc... hover your mouse next to her status next time you see it appearing on your news feeds and there's a drop down where you can hide her so you dont have to read her pathetic annoucements.

hope this helps :)
Do you know any of her friends on facebook that still live near her? Perhaps you could send friend request and see if you can find out the truth. Maybe she is actuallly pregnant and feels that because you are distant and not active in her "real" life that she can openly talk to you about it. Just like how some if us are on the forum, we open our hearts and feelings the way we can't with someone we actually know!.... just a thought..... of course she could just be a huge fake and I say try to find out first before casting her aside.... Imagine what she could be going through if it is real... good luck trying to get the truth but hey, if its really getting to you just pull the plyg its not like she's anything important in your life....stress is something we can do without when TTC
Hi Louise,

She sounds C.R.A.Z.Y!!

Keep your distance, you don't need people like her too close!

Are you testing soon?? xx
There was a girl who i went to school with done that...she went round holding her belly i think she believed her own lies.
Blimey some people will do anythhing to get attention wont they!
But I do agree with Tracey, if there is any doubt what so ever about this being untrue then just be carefull as she would obviously be going through such hell at the moment.
Oooh, sorry for crashing your thread! I bought a house from a friend of a friend. Unfortunately my friend omitted the simple fact that her friend was a complete psycho!!! Apparently she had been 'pregnant' more often than a pregnant lady pee's, she had been stalked, raped, physically abused, married twice to men no one had met. She tried to pull out of the sale of the house by phoning us directly saying she had made a bad decision and wasn't of sound mind at the time (no kidding), then threatened to get the police out to us for harrassing her when all we were trying to do was get the boiler fixed that she had left broken when we moved in. Crazy lady, beware they are out there. I'm afraid I'd either delete or ignore your friend, even if she is pregnant, you don't need that sort of person in your life winding you up.
Sorry, reply rant over :)
Hey Lou and ladies,

Hmm I would try and trip her up. You're clued up on baby stuff, she'll say something wrong. Similar thing happened to two of my fb friends. One was emailing the other, who had just had a baby, and was saying that she had an ectopic pregnancy, but none of it rang true. The more you talk to these types about their lies, the more they trip themselves up. Quite amusing.

I'm a bit of a fb geek, in that I check it a lot and have a good nosey, but my major bug bear is the fb moaner. I've got a few that update their status' every other hour re how miserable they are. SIGH.

God I'm in a bad pmt mood tonight!


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