I think my bf days are over


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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Well tonight harry keeps pushing me away when I've been trying to feed him so after 13 weeks harrys had his first bottle of formula, its broken my heart to give it to him but I'd rather he didn't starve.

I feel like crying tonight because I love breastfeeding but if he doesn't want my milk then I can't force him.

He's also got the red rash around his mouth again so I think it must be the formula because I steam sterilised his bottle this time!

I'll try feeding him again tonight if he wakes up but otherwise it's a bottle for him I always was going to wean him on to a bottle but I never thought itd be this early
Don't give up if you don't want to hun. I know there are a few others on here who have babies that go on strike every once in a while. Hopefully they have advice. Xx
I'd keep trying Tyler's pushed me away before and I didn't feed him and went back half an hour later. Don't give up!

Thanks ladies he was being a pain in the bum yesterday so I've tried him again this morning and he's fed fine he's just being a monkey but now I'll now he'll at least take formula now (wouldn't before) still don't know what this rash is tho?
The rash cud be teething and it does hurt their little toothy peggys when they suck and it is worse when they bf. Keep at it if you can coz it will come and go, as pinky says leave it half an hour and try again, they will feed when they are hungry!!
Try a different formula. You really have to find what causes the allergy as those can increase in intensity every time he comes in contact with what causes it.
Try a different teat and a different formula.
How about expressing btw? Would that work for you?
Thanks he's only just started taking formula started him on cow and gate and he wouldn't take it and now we've tried aptamil and he'll take it fine I only gave it to him because he was screaming he was hungry but didn't want me! I do try to express but only get about an ounce out so it's not worth it really
Try a different formula. You really have to find what causes the allergy as those can increase in intensity every time he comes in contact with what causes it.
Try a different teat and a different formula.
How about expressing btw? Would that work for you?

I agree! The last thing you need is him
Not taking boob or formula because he gets a reaction.

Can you build up an emergency freeze stash?

I have 2oz in my freezer atm so I am building up slowly
I used to aim for 2oz a day. It soon builds up. You can add to it thought out the day do if for example you express 1oz in the morning and 1oz in the afternoon you can mix it

Yeah thanks I normally try when harrys been asleep for a while because I can't after a feed cuz he drains both breasts normally! Greedy little monkey
Alyssa does that sometimes when shes in a temper but if i leave it til shes calmed down she always takes it again. do persevere hun and maybe try a diff formula or get him tested for allergys like latex
Thanks chick I check his bottle that I used last night and they have silicone teats but he has a silicone dunny and that doesn't bother him which is what's making me think it's the formula
then deff formula, maybe try sma or the aptimil cartons?
G has been on strike with me 3 times now - each lasted 24 hours! How old is LO?? Breast refusal before 12/18months is rare - more do if you don't use bottles regularly. I've learned that if she's having on of those days I just have to give her a bottle, but if I can I try to catch her when she's just waking - then she takes booby! Also feeding lying down seems help.

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
He's 13 weeks I think it's been the combination of him teething and his injections (he had them on monday) he's been fine today I'm going to perservere and it comes down to weaning him off me early then that's what ill do
Thats about the age georgia had her first nursing strike. I never really got a definite answer as to what caused them (basically cos no-one had ever heard of them!!)

LLL has some good tips - so does Kelly mom. - The only bit i ignored was the "avoid bottles" - basically cos ive heard so many of the girls on here having issues with LOs refusing bottles - that i decided i cant afford to risk her doing that.


I spoke to my hv today and they said it could be a combination of him teething and having his injection on monday, but if I try him again in a few weeks and the rash happens again then it's definatley an allergy to cows milk formula and to see a doctor. But we have good news harrys back ebf! At least I have a few more months bf before I have to give it up! :) thank you ladies for all your replies I have really appreciated them things are definatley looking up! And harrys now back to normal thank god! X
Also - this thread has given me a huge boost - i know you musta been feeling awful with him refusing the boob - but im sooooooooo glad someone else has had this problem. I was beginning to feel like the only one - especially when mw/hv/gp etc had never heard of this.


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