I think it's all over


Jul 13, 2016
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I'm 9+3 and have been having normal symptoms thought my pregnancy until I started spotting yesterday. I went to A&E to be on the safe side and they asked me to come back today for a scan. The scan shows me as only being around 6 weeks (I tested positive 3 or 4 days after my period was due so that's not possible from what I understand with how they date scans). There was 'pulsating' on the scan.
I'm due back again next week for another scan but today my breast aren't tender anymore and that has been a daily symptom and to be honest, although the nurse said it's possible my dates are wrong she seemed to focus more on things 'slowing down' as she put it.
Has anyone else experienced this and still continued through their pregnancy. I can't decide whether to start facing it now or still hold out hope.
When I was pregnant with my daughter they put my date back a couple weeks from what I thought it should be. I also had bleeding which was one of reasons I had early scan.Have fingers crossed for you xx
Just wanted to say that I really hope everything works out for you. Sending big hugs xxx
Try not to panic, I lost all symptoms after a big bleed at around 7-8 weeks! But baby is okay and snuggly in there still. Mine also measured smaller than my dates until 11 weeks :) xxxxxx
Thank you for your messages. I keep swinging between devastation and hope although my partner is struggling to hope. I don't think he can spend a week hoping and then face bad news next Thursday.

I've taken so much comfort in your messages, especially the similar stories and I really hope I can come back here with good news. I'm going to take care of myself as much as I can over the next week and hope that there has been growth and a heartbeat.

I've been struck down with either a cold or hayfever for nearly a week now so I'm taking it as a sign to rest up and focus on being positive.
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Yes definitely rest, if you can take work off until the scan that will help. Surround your self with cuddles and chocolate :) xxxxxx
Hi honey, so so sorry to hear you're going through this. I think you're right, take some time to rest and look after yourself. It's so awful to have to wait - are you still bleeding?

I have everything crossed for you. :hug: x
Wishing you all the best sweetie, you're not at all wrong for hoping, you have everything to hope for. Babies grow at different rates and some are just smaller than others. I'm wishing you some growth and a healthy heartbeat at your next scan. Take some you time and be kind to yourself. Sending lots of love xxx
There was a little brown discharge this morning but nothing else so far. I was nauseous this morning and my nipples are painful but different to how they were before.
I've been looking at private scans as I'm not sure I can wait a week. I understand that they need that time for sizing/dating but I need to know if there's a heartbeat still. It feels like waiting a lifetime.
Don't you worry! I was about 6 weeks when we moved by car from Portland to Las Vegas (loong drive!) and I was terrified of my morning sickness getting the better of me. I moved a little too much and got pretty exhausted a couple of times - pushed myself too hard. My morning sickness didn't return once we started driving, my boobs stopped being tender and I stopped feeling bloated - turned back to "normal" for a couple of days. I was convinced that my blup died during the move because of me not being able to take it easy. But baby is fine. Hormones play tricks on you and all pregnancies are different. Be safe and go to an extra scan - I'm sure your baby is fine

- Warm hugs from sizzling Las Vegas
Hi all, I have come to the end of my journey with this pregnancy. I started bleeding heavily and ended up being admitted to hospital as a clot blocked my cervix. I've never known pain like it before but the relief when it was finally removed was unreal.
I won't forget all of the kind words and thoughts. At a time when I've never felt more alone, to have complete strangers give so much support was a blessing.
Hopefully I can join you all again in a few months.
All the best with your pregnancies and children.
I'm so sorry, cant imagine how devastated you must be. Sending you lots of love xxxxx
I'm so sorry to hear this Vix.. Sending you all my love and well wishes xx
I'm so sorry :( massive hugs and take care of yourself x
Oh Vix I can't imagine what you're going through. Sending all the love and positive thoughts in the world your way xxxx ❤️
I'm so sorry! That really is a woman's worst nightmare! *hugs* hope you're back real soon....

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