I think it's a bit late


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2011
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My midwife won't give me my booking appointment until I'm 11 weeks now I think that's a bit late givin my history.
I think I will book a private scan for janurary as I'm sure my 12 week scan won't happen if I'm being booked so late. When are you all booked for your first midwife appointment?
I have mine on Friday at 10+1 weeks. With my mc I had my booking in at 10+5 weeks and got a scan date for 12+4 weeks, unfortunately I didn't need that scan has mc'ed that day. I think booking a private early scan is a good idea, I keeping thinking tha I want another one before my 12 week scan :) xx
I have been told with all 3 of mine that booking in is between 8-10 weeks. xx
I had mine at 8 weeks (+6days).
So she has now sent all my paperwork for the scan, so now I have to wait for a letter to inform me when it will be. Am already impatient!
It's not as bad as I thought then. My midwife is apparently a very busy lady poor thing she will be up to her eyes coming up to Christmas.
Think even if you did have an 11 week appointment the 12 week scan can be done up to 14 weeks so you should be fine hun xx
Thanks hun the booking in process is so different here. In Ireland you have it in the hospital and have your scan the same day
I think it might be because of your history hun, if not then they do things differently all over x Have you tried asking for a eariler one with her x
I had mine at 9 weeks but my scan appointment came through the post two weeks after I made the booking in appointment so I've known about my s an date for a while xx
I just rang up and arranged my booking in appointment for 29 December. Apparently here they won't do them before 10 weeks, and I'll be 10 +1 then. It still feels like such a long time away though - I've never wanted Christmas to be over already before!
Saw mine today ...im 11 weeks on wednesday ...she rekons my scan should be through within the week
Mines 29th of dec too!!!
God it does differ from area to area doesn't it xxx
I got my booking in appointment and scan date through the post at the same time. Booking in was when I was 10 weeks and scan is nest Wednesday when I'll be 11+ 5
I had my booking in, last tues, at 11+2 and had my scan on the thurs of the same week. So mabe you,ll get a quick one like I did.
my booking in with local midwife was 7 weeks but my offical one were they take bloods will be done same day as my scan in two weeks x
Does the doctor sort the scan appointments then?
usually your midwife refers your information to your choosen hospital who then take information and book 12 week scan x
I had my booking appointment today hun and I'm 9+1 weeks. Lots of paperwork filed out and I have my blood tests Wednesday. My midwife has sent off for my scan and asked for a date around 17th Dec when I hit 12 weeks, should get that through the post soon. Can't wait I'm getting very impatient xxx
i got my booking in appoinment at 11+4 weeks but turned out i was 12+1 and my scan is tomorrow making be 13+1 still dates may change so we will see but i think they wait till late because if anything happens before 8-10 weeks theres nothing they can do :( very very sad really. but hay girlies look on the bright before you know it we will all have an amazing bundle of joy for the rest of our lives then you will miss your bump lol great things come to those who wait :):):):)

I love being pregnant I wouldn't wish a second of it away x

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