I think I have 'bubbles!'


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Mostly today and a bit yesterday I feel like I have a little cauldron bubbling away in my lower abdomen...

Is this 'bubbles'?

I think it is, and I may have even feltone or two little kicks but not certain on that one.

But this is happening quite alot today, most of the time in fact...is that normal and likely to be LO moving, or is it just wind?

Very exciting!
:cheer: :cheer: defo little one moving, isn't it exciting!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Well done, been waiting for this kinda post from you :cheer:

You'll be 'listening out' for it daily now :D
Aww thats great. I can't wait to start feeling movement.
Its amazing isnt it, as im typing now i can feel LO i usually feel them when im sat quietly. I spend most my time now willing LO to wake up so i can feel.
Yes it is amazing!

Its not happening quite as much as the other day, don't know what I did to set it off before!

Sometimes I'm not sure whats wind :oops: , and what it LO!


I think I am feeling proper little kicks now, sorta feels like a twitch (you know like if you get an eye twitch) and they are mostly low down near my pelvic bone.

Does that sound about right?


Mostly they are happening late evening time, or maybe I don't notice in the day time.
That sounds about right, especially the evening bit as I had them in the evwning to start with, I think it is because in the day you are moving about and the rocking sends him to sleep and when you sut down he wakes up!! As they get older I think they are awake for longer and you can feel more during the day - and obviously the kickes get stronger the bigger they get!! On the other hand I could be talking crap!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Its amazing aint it!! I have been feeling it a few weeks now getting more frequent now ,
Missac you got that right, during the day they sleep more till you wanna sleep and they kick you all night long, cannot wait till our babies are bigger and we feel the good kicks
:D Katrina

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