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when will I feel my baby?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Im 19 + 2 and I havent yet felt any definite movement. I think I felt little bubbles last night but nothing today? I know that the baby is moving as I can hear it on my doppler but Im just a little worried. Please let me know your experiences with movement. (Im a first time mum!)
Hi Hun apparently it's anything up to 24 weeks also at your twenty week scan they will check where your placenta is, if this is anteria then you are less likely to feel LO.
I'm a first timer too!!

First felt lopping at 14 weeks, flutters at 18 and kicks at 22 weeks. Most first timers dont feel any movements until between 18-22 weeks so I wouldn't worry yet hunny.

When u have ur next scan u may discover that u have an anterior placenta (it means the placenta is at the front of ur tum). This can stop u feeling movements until baby is bigger as it has to have the strength to be able to Mick through the placenta.

Hope this helps xxx
Any thing between 18-24 weeks is the norm I'm on my second so felt things earlier this time round as I know what I'm looking for don't panic if you can hear movement on your doppler then all is good and like the girls say you may have your placenta at the front of your tummy so you won't feel as much bug you will soon start feeling things though hope that helps xxx
I'm a first timer too, and felt popping from around 14 weeks but only at night and this gradually got stronger over the weeks but very gradually. However the range for this just from the first time Mums I know has been from 14 weeks to 24 weeks! It really depends on your baby, shape of your uterus, where your placenta is etc. If you know they are moving - I wouldn't worry about it, it's completely natural to be feeling flutters still. xxxxx
I'm only starting to feel things this week really, and it's not really obvious that it is baby and could easily be mistaken for something else. I first felt something a week on sunday and it felt like loads of bubbles popping quickly. Then I had nothing for a while, today I have felt more definite almost little nudges inside but it's not really obvious.

Dont worry Hun. It won't be long I'm sure :)
Thanks everybody, scan is a week tomorrow so that will hopefully put my mind at rest. x
I'm not far behind you and haven't felt anything yet - midwife said anything up to 22 weeks is fairly normal. Keep trying to convince myself I've felt something but think I might just have wind!! lol
I'm also with you and haven't felt anything, but keep listening to Pip on the doppler so know he's in there moving about!
Some days like today I get lots of very gentle nudges....others like yesterday I get nothing. It's hit and miss at the mo, no matter how much the OH tells him to kick me :roll:
Hey I was the same as you felt absolutley nothing until 16 weeks and then felt flutters up until monday when I felt my first ever kick hubby felt it aswell so not just my mind playing tricks on me!! And now I feel kicks all the time he actually kept me awake most of last night kicking and moving! I think it depends on ur size aswell as ur placenta and where he is ( you done feel kicks when he's facing away from ur abdo wall) don't worry hun it will happen Xx
Yeah like the girls say it can take a while, Iv only had proper noticable ones in the last week or so mainly i think due to placenta position

Im sure you will be gettin lots of kicks in a few weeks , there is no norm with pregnancy as iv learnth so dont worry xxx
im with hugsy, i have anterior placenta (high up at the front) and ive only just started feeling movement tho its like my tummy swirling around or going over a sudden hill! and its quite frequent thru the day now but only started this week. if oyu have anterior placenta it muffles it until baby gets strong enough to make bigger movements so you might not feel the slight ones that come first. i did have one episode of bubbles at 15 weeks then nothing til 22+3 lol
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I'm over 17 weeks and still haven't felt anything yet. Not even flutters (or if i have it's not been something i can identify as baby). I heard for first time mums its usually between 18-22 weeks but can take longer depending on your build, position of the baby etc. I don't even have a doppler so at the moment i'm a little worried/impatient and still have 3 and a half weeks til my next scan agh! Try not to worry hun, if you've heard movement on your doppler you know baby is in there and moving around even if you can't feel it yet xx
I wouldnt worry about it, everybody is differant. I kept reading that i wouldnt feel anything until 18-22 weeks expecially if its your first as first timers often cant tell the differance between a kick and wind.

I am quite slim and hardly have a bump at all yet so i didnt expect to feel a thing for at least a few weeks, but tonight just lying there i felt a bunch of flutters that was most definatly not wind!! This is also my 1st so i wouldnt worry yourself as everybody and baby is differant. . Good luck & i am looking faward to hearing about your 1st kick or flutter!

Make a pregnancy ticker
Hope the scan goes well hon....

I've had little flutters and a funny 'pulling' feeling on my belly button (but from the inside) but no actualy kicks yet that I can feel. At my last scan she was moving all over the place so hopefully it wont be long before she is strong enought to give me a good kick!

Star jumps might do it! :)

I have anterior placenta, and haven't felt proper kicks or anything yet. I don't always feel like the flutters, which only started a couple of weeks back.
However I'm not too worried because I use my doppler and know when he's a bit bigger I'll feel it clearer x

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