I think I have anxiety!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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So for the past couple of weeks, I've been getting palpitations, I posted about them before and apparently they're normal in pregnancy. But I get them every day now and its annoying.

I also have a small rash on my left boob that's still going mad with itch!!

But I also have a hard time getting to sleep, because as soon as I get comfy in bed, I start to imagine myself on top of a really tall building about to fall off. Or hanging over the edge of a height, or looking out of a high up window and the glass breaks so that I have to hang on not to fall!
It creeps me the hell out! It sounds like anxiety doesn't it?

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The itching I'm afraid is very normal, and probably not anxiety related.
The palpitations, as long as the doctor said they're ok then I wouldn't worry too much and just try some breathing or relaxation excercises.
As for the dreams, it's definitely weird and stressful, but vivid dreams is normal in pregnancy too.

I don't think it's anything to scare yourself about, maybe try a yoga or hypnobirthing cd for relaxation? xx
Oh hon it really does sound like anxiety. Have you spoken to anyone about it, like your Dr or midwife? The reason I ask is i suffer from anxiety too, it comes and goes but when it's here it's bad! I've been anxious throughout this pregnancy and my Dr suggested I go back to see a counsellor, just until the baby's born. I had to get some help really before it got worse.

I really hope you're able to find something that helps, I truly know how awful it is. Big :hug: x
Thanks girls.
Babyelmo, I've suffered from panic attacks in the past, but not for ages. Think I will call my doc tomorrow. Thanks :)

Leesey, the things about heights aren't dreams. I'm still awake and all these terrifying scenarios pop into my head and keep me awake. Its always about heights cuz I'm afraid of heights, but I've never had this before x

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Something that works for me sometimes when I'm having a panic attack is breathing deeply and repeating to myself that it's 'just' a panic attack and everything will be ok. My irrational panicking side doesn't believe it, but it at least calms me down a little bit, more than anything (other than valium!!) does.

Do you know what triggers yours? Another thing that helps me is having an idea of my triggers, then when I know i'm going to be experiencing that kind of situation, telling myself 'Ok, so you're likely to start panicking, but it's ok, and you'll be fine soon.'

I'm sure I sound quite mad, i've never really spoken about this before! I really hope it goes well for you when you see the Dr. hon xxx
Aww, hope you're ok!! Sounds like you may have some anxiety, and as for the itching, I feel your pain!! Gaaaahhh am covered in a rash!! xx
Thanks everyone!

Babyelmo - I have no idea what triggers it, its just at night when I'm trying to sleep I start getting those thoughts. I normally do breathing exercises to calm me down but I've never experienced this before.
I'll call the doc tomorrow to have a chat and see what he says. Thanks so much for ur advice! Xx

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hi i know exactly how you feel i have it too the itch left nipple and heart palpitations and racing like ive ran around the block or something i also am short of breath and when i want to take a deep breath i cant and same when i need to yawn that big yawn i cant and when i am lay in bed i start to fall asleep and then have bad thoughts about something happening to my 3 year old son eg someone coming in to my house whilst were asleep and taking him was the latest one its horrible i went to the doctors i didnt tell him about the dreams (or not dreams) i just told him bout heart racing palpitations and loss of breath he said it was anxiety and i need to chill out but i am chilled so i dont know what to do i hope you feel better soon coz i know exactly how you feel
Aww Kimmi its not nice is it?
I must admit though, its nice that I'm not alone with going through this.
I think its just anxiety about the pregnancy, the birth and motherhood.
I spoke to my mum about it today and she said it all sounds like anxiety and told me to listen to my relaxation tape again. Think I'll do it tonight in bed.
The thoughts of the heights actually really panic me, even though I keep telling myself I'm safe in bed next to hubby.

I feel like I'm going a bit mental :( x

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I got strange palpitations when I was about the same stage as you. I found it quite frightening tbh, would get short of breath too for a bit. I was told its a symptom of pregnancy and can be related to anaemia as well.

I'm not sure about the thoughts you have been having etc, I've had some pretty strange thoughts too which probably are anxiety/apprehension about the big changes coming.

Speak to your doc hun xx
its not nice at all i know my biggest fear is losing my child and at the moment yours seems to be heights it probably doesnt help my son had a bad dream the other night about women taking him dont know where its coming from its rather freaky i hope it goes away soon its driving me mad
Aww ur poor son!! Hope he stops having bad dreams xx

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he did i dont know weather i was dreaming and he heard me witch i have stop having them for know and he has been fine it was horrible when he did have it it made me cry he was that scared
Awww i have suffered with palpitations and anxiety majorly. I have that moment where i am almost asleep and i jump out of it like a lunatic gasping for air!

I think maybe some yoga or breathing excersises would be beneficial to you. x
Yeah I listened to a relaxation hypnosis tape in bed last night and did some breathing exercises, it definitely helped xx

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Thank u jessy :) xx

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I just had something similar to this last night...my heart was racing and I couldn't get it to slow down, and the more I thought about it, the worse I got! That's part of what led to me being awake for 4 hours in the night.

Our bodies are changing physically and our minds are trying to adapt to the thought of having these babies and so much worry, it's not suprising we are feeling anxious!

As long as we all keep sharing with eachother I'm sure that will help!
Not too bad thank u :)

I go to bed listening to a relaxation tape so its not so bad now. The palpitations are still going every day but that's to be expected.

I never did speak to the doc about it, but I'll ask the midwife at my next appt on 1st March :) xx

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