I suppose this is where I belong for now...


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Well as the title says, I suppose I belong here for now :oooo:

We have decided that we definately do want to try for another baby as soon as it is safe to do so and all our tests have come back. Doctors think everything will come back normal as we already have a healthy daughter, but you never now. Regardless we will work towards TTC if possible, even if some help is needed.

Its looking likely that we will be WTT until November/December next year to give my body a chance to recover from the c section after delivering Ethan. We were so desperate for another child before we conceived Ethan and I don't think I will get that out of my system until I have another healthy baby in my arms. I don't want to replace Ethan, as that could never happen, but I am struggling to fight my natural urges to have my baby in my arms. it physically hurts. Already having a LO seems to have magnified the loss for us, as we know exactly what joy our daughter brings to our life so it hurts so bad to have had that taken away from us with our little boy.

Hopefully after the next few months I will want to start getting my body ready for TTC so it is in the best condition possible. Want to lose a bit of weight, start taking my vitamins, exercising regularly and eating well. I don't drink or smoke anyway so thats not something i have to worry about!

What advice were you given about length of time you should wait before TTC after a C Section??
Hi Laura

I havnt got any advice but just wanted to say how lovely it is to see you in WTT :)
I want to wish you all the luck in the world and send you massive :hugs: x x

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Hi Laura :) lovely to see you here :hugs: im waiting until may so I will be lurking around here. I cant help with ur question sorry hun but just wanted to say hi. What tests will you be having?

I cant imagine how hurtful it must be for your loss, my friend lost her lil boy L 6 months ago there was no reason nor rhyme to why this happened so please know ur not alone. Some babies were meant to be angels they were just special.

Im doing

pregnacare conception (ive heard taking up to 6 months before can make heck of a difference plus I feel good taking them anyway!)
eating healthy and fresh
reducing my anxiety and stress levels - very anxious worrier of a person. I am currently seeing a CBT (cognital behaviour therapy) doing yoga and lots of excercise to reduce the amount of adrenalin running around in me!
Learning to live simple and relax!

take care xx
hi laura, im glad ur here and im glad u know theres light at the end of the tunnel, i was told minimum 6 months after c - section and that was cos i had a really bad one... well it went well but preg. xx
oh and apparently its actually 'easier' on ur wound sooner rather than later as the longer ur wound heals thicker it gets xx
I am worrying a little as now I have had 2 c sections, my first in Aug 2007 and the one in Nov 2010. I kind of wish I didn't wait so long to try for another baby now, but hey ho. i was thinking it would be quite nice to have another summer baby and June is sort of when I would like to have baby but that would mean i would need to conceive around September, this would be 10 months after my section, I assume this would be ok then? I just worry as i have already had 2 sections about my uterus rupturing.

I still haven't heard from hospital about testing or post natal check, so not entirely sure what tests we still have to have done but I am waiting for results of my placenta and amniotic fluid and other tests that were taken from Ethan. They have already ruled out heart defects specifically, they have said that i definately didn't contract Parvovirus. Its likely that he had a circulatory problem or a renal problem of some kind but they didn't see anything at all on all my antenatal scans. All his organs etc were in working order only weeks before he was delivered. The doctor does not think it is a chromosonal thing either as he showed no signs of the common chromosonal disorders that cause Hydrops. we will need genetic counselling, not sure when this will happen. We have been left to our own devices so far and I'm getting a little impatient, I just want to know. I had Polyhydramnios and my placenta had significant edema but they don't think i had gestational diabetes. I was very aneamic in this pregnancy but they don't think that had anything to do with it, it was just that he was a big boy, much bigger than he should of been so that was probably why I was. He was 4lb 14oz at 30 weeks, so was on target to be 11lbs at birth apparently - totally off the scale.

If its not genetic then we will def go ahead and try again :)

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