i still can't believe i'm going to be a mum!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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it still hasn't sunk in that i'm going to be a mum :? i mean is this really happening to me?? as i was trying to sleep last night, laying there thinking about my little girl soon coming in this world :D , i was thinking wow me i'm going to have a family, MY family :|

as i found out the sex on Friday... and been buying clothes and looking at them thinking my little girl will be wearing these clothes... it's just to much, it's not going to be me anymore....

i can't believe i've come so far since of having my miscarriages last year, and never thinking I'll be this far... and there is so much more to come, i'm really looking forward to this new chapter in my life, but i don't know if i';m ready :?

sorry ladies for going on :oops: but is anyone else feeling like WOW me!!!!
Yeah definitely!

I was lying in bed the other night thinking that soon there would be a moses basket next to the bed with a baby in and theres nothing I can do about it whether I want to or not! Theres no going back now!

Im scared of loads of stuff...mainly my relationship with Daniel cos last time it was stressful and really ruined us for a little while. Im hoping this time we know what to expect and we can make it work.

Im also worried that I'll ignore Josh and he'll feel left out. I almost cry when I think about that :cry:

I think for most women it just comes naturally and once the babys here you cant imagine what it was like before, you just adapt without realising it :)
know what you mean! it does kind of hit me sometimes.... we were looking through a pregnancy magazine together yesterday and turned the page to see a full page picture of what a one day old baby looks like and we both got a tear in our eye! My husband just said... I can't wait!

We talk about it constantly but it still does not seem real - that it is forever...... is like when we were planing our wedding and it dominated our lives for months... but was over in a day. This is forever!
Yes I've definately had the same feelings! I guess it will feel real sooner or later! :D
I am just the same although I am thinking about the baby and trying to plan for things (in my head). It's still a bit distant really but it's quite scary the way the time is passing. Seems only yesterday I was 6 weeks!

Mind you OH is totally unprepared and hardly ever talks about it unless I do :( I wish he did though.


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