i shouldnt be here yet!!! but....


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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did anyones baby measure small for dates at their 20 week scan?
thought id ask here because more of you have had your scan than in second tri.

im asking because when my mum was pregnant with me, i was measuring small and just wondered what it meant?
I was worried as I was told I weas measuring big, I was worried and they had me in for a few growth scans over a period to monitor bubby.

I was then advised by many people that around this scan, the baby could be any size, they go on growth spurts, your LO could measure a lil small this week and in 2 weeks be on the dot.

Measuring small will just mean that your LO is on the lower end of the growth rate, nothing to worry about at all. If you are worried though, give your midwife a call, just to ease your confidence xxxx
hi hun, my first measured small at 20 week scan. wen she was born she was 6lbs 7 and 9 days over so quite small but she wasnt very long she was a few cms smaller than the average but she was healthy and birth was fine. she has always been smaller than other kids but always grew at the correct rate according to health visitor but when she went for her 4yr check she had had a growth spurt and is now just as tall as the other kids i her school class so it has no effect now.

this one was measuring fine at 20 week scan but had a growth spurt at 28 weeks and was measuring 2 weeks bigger then went bk to normal at 36 weeks but at my 39 week check she was only measuring 38 weeks, however mw isnt worried as she says the measuring the tummy approach isnt really reliable and she thinks this one will be a good 1/2 lbs heavier than reanna as she feels a good size, so i dont think their estimates are anything to worry about.

we all come in different shapes and sizes and i suppose this starts from birth, as long as babies organs are developing and they are gaining weight everything will be fine.


At my 20 week scan I was also told my baby is small. Then also when I had my 3d scan at 27 weeks I was told my baby was around 200grams too small. When I mentioned this to my midwife last week she said my baby felt like the size was ok so not sure whats going on. I'm not overly worried though as I was only a 4lb baby and my partner was only 6lb and I am only 5'1 now. x x x xx

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