I really wish...


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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... that the forum also included a live chat.

I'm proper fed up tonight. OH is out at work, and I'm restless, and getting lots of not so little niggles down below.

I am however going to use some of my restless energy to get my birth plan written and organised. And I'll probably prettify it.

I'm going to pack my hospital bag (because I've been really naughty, and with 10 days to go still haven't packed it.)

And I think I'm going to re-arrange my bedroom too.

I also feel proper starving, even though I've done nothing but eat all evening, and Bean is wriggling far more than usual, although far lower than anything I've felt before, almost as if he's punching towards my pubic bone.

It still doesn't feel like the start of labour though (I suppose I won't know what it feels like 'til it's actually happening.)

Anyone else feeling like this?
I was thinking that bit about chat too. It's awfully quiet tonight.

I'm wide awake, having "contractions" but after a false start on sat I have no idea if this is the real thing. Was just about to start writing this reply and had a really really sore one!! :shock:

Not sure if I should try get some sleep or what. Lol. Bubs is wriggling about all over the place.

Oooh! It's really hard not to get excited isn't it?! Thing is, I haven't really felt any BH as yet. But I did have a "trickle" the other day, that definitely wasn't wee. And pinky discharge two weeks ago. So things *seem* to be going in the right direction. xx
What I've been having since sat are def different from the BHs I've been having. I've been dribbling :blush: since sat as well, but apparently, you can have really watery discharge at this stage which can be confusing, according, to my mw. Xxx
Geez! There should be an alarm that goes off when it starts!! I hate not knowing. Lol. xx
Tell me about it!! I always thought there would be a big gush of water or something- you know a major sign that made it nice and obvious. Lol

Haha. Yeah. I know what you mean. :D

Are you nervous at all? xx
Not really. I just wish I knew what the heck was going on just now. Lol. It's really annoying wonder IF you're in labour lol. I'm hoping I am cos is limbo bit is annoying.

I think I'm prob more nervous about the life changing bit afterwards. Lol

Everyone around me keeps telling me I should be scared about labour, but at the end of the day, we're designed to birth babies, and he's got to arrive one way or another.

I'm more concerned how my OH is going to cope than me, seeing as he had depression, but at the same time, he's amazing with his nieces, so this could be just what he needs. xx
I figure that your bodies built for the labour but, and there's professionals on hand to help.

It's def the after but that scares me, being responsible for this whole little person. Plus I've had depression before, and my mum and her sisters all had PND, so that worries me too.

How far on are you?? - on my phone so can't see tickers. Xxx
38 weeks and 4 days. Due on the 2nd of March. xx
Ive had to give up in bed now, have moved down stairs to the sofa. DH was gonna sleep on the floor in the bed room. If i dont get anywhere tonight he's gotta go to work in the morning. Im sure i should be attempting to get some sleep, but i really dont see it happening now. xxx
I can't sleep. It's horrendous. I have more luck sitting up than I do lying down. Haha!! xx
Im now attempting to set up my TENS machine - maybe shoulda done this before now. lol xxx
I still haven't packed my hospital bag. Lol. xx
:shock: - yeah you really need to get that done. lol.

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