I really should be cleaning right now


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Ugh my house is a tip.

Thea is in bed and Richard is out with a mate at a gig so i really should be off my backside and doing some cleaning but i cant be bothered.

I think i might go run a bath and just lay in it for an hour with a book! Havent done that in ages. I might even crack open a bottle of wine and have a glass now that im not breastfeeding. Cleaning seems like such a cack idea compared to lazing around in the bath and then playing mario kart wearing my pjs lol.

Anyone else putting off doing something?
yeah down with cleaning! :lol:

i have 'accidently' let Eva fall asleep on me, would be a shame to disturb her...lol the dishes can wait! (and the rest of the kitchen :lol: )

Hope you had that well deserved me-time Melanie
i did good today... tidied and hoovered whole house, did all the dishes, did all the washings... even found time work out a little :oops: :lol:
I'm supposed to be preparing for 5p Ebay day tomorrow, but even the prospect of some extra cash can't tempt me to take all those photos :bored:

Enjoy your vino!
LOL, i know exactly how you feel! my boy is coming home tomorrow after a week with nana and i have done no cleaning! im such a tramp :oops: lol, ill do it in the morning cos im tired now... wish i could open a bottle of wine.. but the bath sounds like a good idea :lol:
My house a total tip too, still trying catch up after weekend but Rubes was so poorly I did nothing saturday and sunday...I have been in work every day since so we are living in a pig stye :?

OH was off today with Rubes, and he managed to tidy round and do some washing while she napped (totally unheard of for him :dance: ) so I came in from work, made tea and I am now in my PJs drinking wine while he is round at his mates watching the Liverpool game!!

Oh well, it will all b there tomorrow, just enjoy our little girls..oh and our wine :lol: :wink: :rotfl:
The bath is running, the wine is open and i found a bar of chocolate in the fridge :dance:

Yeah im so not cleaning tonight :rotfl:
urg some cleaning my end but not as much as i thought! but do have too get the travelsystem out and take some piccies and its getting motivated to do it!
I ended up taking the bottle of wine into the bath with me and a book and kept topping up the hot water. It was 1am when i got out and went to bed. :lol:

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