I poas...

Well, I spoke to my Diabetic consultant earlier as my sugars are a bit nuts and that is also a sign of pregnancy.
I explained all of the symptoms that I have been having and as I have done 3 tests and all came back with BFN's, they reckon that it is very possible that I did conceive but I had what is called a Chemical Pregnancy.
This is where the egg is fertilised but implantation doesn't occur for some reason and therefore the egg gets washed away in what feels like, a normal period. The signs are hard to spot, unless you are looking for them - Can sometimes have less of a bleed, suffer with more menstrual cramps than usual etc... It is basically an early miscarriage :-(
I am so sure that this is what happened to me. I have been an emotional wreck this past fortnight (unusual for me), have had constant cramps, increased vaginal discharge, been really tired, had headache's and just felt 'different' somehow!!
Apparently, around 70% of women will go through this but many, who aren'y actively TTC won't even know they were pregnant and just assumed they had a normal period.
This is also why Doctors don't really like the early preg tests as it can show as a false positive. I am just glad the tests showed a BFN cos if I had seen a false positive, it would have devastated us....

I have to keep an eye on my sugar levels this week and report back to the Doc next week. If my sugars calm down over the course of the week, it will lead us to believe that this was indeed, what happened.

Will keep you posted.

Em x

PS - Thanks for listening xxx

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