I officially Hate Myspace...sorry Becksss

omg i just found out myspace has a forum AND a chat room
I hate myspace, too. I used facebook and nexopia. :cheer:
Hehe I refer to MySpace as TheArseOfTheInternet :roll:

Most of the problems you are having a probably down to bad design by the makers. Not your fault. It is such a badly coded site its not funny. I avoid it as much as possible and refuse to have an account there, but do visit a few pages to check in that friends are still alive and well. But most of it is loud and ugly. And people's personal pages are often a mess of colours and noise which I find really offputting. I get eye strain trying to read text against some of my friends backgrounds and give up :wall:

I don't do FaceBook either. Never appealed is all. But my Bloke raves about it and how clean and easy it us to use also. Appeals to the geek in him.

I'm on LJ, Twitter and keep my own blog (based around keeping chickens as pets) and run a popular website, and am on about a dozen other forums etc so I've enough of an online presence methinks :lol:
I have my space and facebook. But i cant get on with my space at all. its facebook all the way for me.

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