I off to visit the maternity ward


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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To have a look around cant wait to see where im going to give birth

im will be mapping my mind the quickest way to the birthing pools ITS MINE :twisted: :rotfl: tell youn all about it when i get back

oh had anyone else foun d they have got so used to this pregancy lark that its becom e a normal routine

im sick most mornings and in between bounts of sickness i carried on moisurtising my face and thining what to have for brekky (im always sick before i eat):roll: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

made me giggle picture of me applying lotion while being sick in the toilet :rotfl:

right im off now see ya later everyone :wave:
Enjoy your tour hun...let me know if it's worth it..I am thinking of doing the same but I'm not going to bother if it's a waste of time or equally if it's gonna scares me to death!! (I'm not scared at the momenet and i want it to stay that way!!)

:D :D :D :D :D
Hi Geordie lass,

Sorry you dont have to say but are you having you baby at Pembury?

If you are then I think there is only one birthing pool! I used it when in labour with my son i thought it was fantastic! Its one of the nicest rooms they got and the biggest and you can take music in and stuff its great.
If you do want it say you want it and get it quick.. the only thing is they keep you drinking fluids in the birthing pool not quite sure but did as i was told!

Anyway hope you have a nice visit wherever you are having your LO and not long now!

Take care
Hi there

My son was born at Pembury! Weren't you thinking of going to Crowborough Birthing Centre also?

When my son was born nearly 3 years ago, we were living in Reigate, Surrey. From about 36 weeks we chose to change to Crowborough rather than Redhill hosp. It was about 50min drive from us but so worth it - it's lovely at Crowborough. Anyway, to cut a long story short, started off my labour at Crowborough in the birthing pool with gas & air, while DH fed me chocolate and bananas - felt like Cleopatra! After a few hours I got out for a rest (if that's possible when in labour!) - my waters broke when I was 8cm and there was meconium - so I was transfered by emergency ambulance to Pembury! I'd gone from Surrey to West Sussex to Kent!

After a difficult time pushing, Thomas was born with ventouse. Pembury was ok, my baby was fine, which is the main thing, but the ward was huge and very noisy - had a lady opposite me singing lullabies to her newborn all night, when everyone just wanted to sleep! :evil:

If you haven't been already, I'd highly recommend going to see Crowborough. It's so relaxed and clean and the midwives were so nice. I was really unlucky in that normally, despite being transfered to Pembury, I could have gone back to Crowborough for the aftercare. But...they were too busy and had no beds, which is really unusual for them.

A friend of mine had a 5 hour labour water birth at Crowborough, no tears or stitches (first baby) and then was allowed to stay FIVE DAYS with the midwives tending to her every need! The best birthing experience possible!

Hope you enjoyed your visit to Pembury, I'm sure you'll be fine wherever you go x
mibiuk said:
Hi Geordie lass,

Sorry you dont have to say but are you having you baby at Pembury?

If you are then I think there is only one birthing pool! I used it when in labour with my son i thought it was fantastic! Its one of the nicest rooms they got and the biggest and you can take music in and stuff its great.
If you do want it say you want it and get it quick.. the only thing is they keep you drinking fluids in the birthing pool not quite sure but did as i was told!

Anyway hope you have a nice visit wherever you are having your LO and not long now!

Take care

Hi Kathy
Yes im having baby at Pembury
Yeah i knew they only had one pools which is why im getting it first :twisted: :lol:
I was thinking of going to Crowbourgh as i know they have 3 birthing pools but i decided to stay closer to home and take my chances that another women dosnt get my pool first :x :pray:

You will quickly notice with me i am totaly USELESS at hitting the correct keys on the laptop and spell thing compleatly wrong :oops: :roll: :lol:
so bare with me sometimes :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

It was a brilliant experience i got to see the birthing pool its looks fab 8) i will defently be using it
the lady giving the tour turned out to be my midwife which was great :D

She explained things very well and i went away resurred and happy to be giving birth there.
We saw all the wards we may go into if this, that, and the other occurs which aslo ressured me that Colliers and my needs will be met what ever happens

We even saw a brand spanking new born baby go past us with Mum lying to the bed We were all going gaga over him sooooooooooooooooooooo cute
we also saw newborns in the wards we visited adorable little sweeties :angel:
i heard a lady in early stages of labour screaming which was a bit daunting but she stopped after a few moments.
That will be me soon
so go ahead Sarah book an appoinment to look around your hopsital is lovely to be able to visulise where i am going to go and give birth now and its not so alien now
defenetly worth it!!!! :D
Sarah :wave:
Enjoy the tour! I am going to phone next week and arrange to get a tour sorted out. I shall also be keeping a sharp eye out for the birthing pool room. As soon as I get admitted, I am in there! :twisted:
miffy said:
Hi there

My son was born at Pembury! Weren't you thinking of going to Crowborough Birthing Centre also?

When my son was born nearly 3 years ago, we were living in Reigate, Surrey. From about 36 weeks we chose to change to Crowborough rather than Redhill hosp. It was about 50min drive from us but so worth it - it's lovely at Crowborough. Anyway, to cut a long story short, started off my labour at Crowborough in the birthing pool with gas & air, while DH fed me chocolate and bananas - felt like Cleopatra! After a few hours I got out for a rest (if that's possible when in labour!) - my waters broke when I was 8cm and there was meconium - so I was transfered by emergency ambulance to Pembury! I'd gone from Surrey to West Sussex to Kent!

After a difficult time pushing, Thomas was born with ventouse. Pembury was ok, my baby was fine, which is the main thing, but the ward was huge and very noisy - had a lady opposite me singing lullabies to her newborn all night, when everyone just wanted to sleep! :evil:

If you haven't been already, I'd highly recommend going to see Crowborough. It's so relaxed and clean and the midwives were so nice. I was really unlucky in that normally, despite being transfered to Pembury, I could have gone back to Crowborough for the aftercare. But...they were too busy and had no beds, which is really unusual for them.

A friend of mine had a 5 hour labour water birth at Crowborough, no tears or stitches (first baby) and then was allowed to stay FIVE DAYS with the midwives tending to her every need! The best birthing experience possible!

Hope you enjoyed your visit to Pembury, I'm sure you'll be fine wherever you go x

Oh bother now im not sure :think: :( if my pregnancy goes well then i'll be in there the minumun of time so dont want to or plan to stay over night
though if i do have to yeah i could be sharing the room with up to 12 others as that is how many beds are in the ward

i do want to go to Crowbough but it is further away and i live so close to Pembury Hopsital its just seems more conventiant

And both my Mid- wife and Anti- natal ladies said they have never known a case of 2 women having to fight over the pool so i thought oh cool so i'll just go there then.

Im going to ring Crowbourgh tommorow and book an apointment to see it
(we have to sort out going there ourselves) and make my mind up
its so far away though i dont drive and James is away so much

it could be said ive left it far to late to start dithering now, but ive worked up to 36 weeks and ive just not had the time to really sort it
sorry if that comes acros as pathetic and a bit neglectful of colliers needs
:( :oops:
I just want whats best for Collier

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why cant i make a decision and stick to it
Hello again!

Glad you liked Pembury - honestly, it was fine and if you're happy with it then go for it. Sorry to have thrown a spanner in the works regarding Crowborough! It would be worth checking out though, especially if you want a water birth (as they do them there all the time), then you can make a decision. The travelling is an issue - I ended up doing the journey twice in labour, as they sent me home the first time as I was only 2cm! Also, it would be a long way for OH to come and visit you. And they will want you to have your last few appointments there, so if you don't drive, that could be difficult.
There again, once you see it, I think you'll notice the difference. Can't quite remember exactly, but the rooms are either individual, or sharing with just one other person. And it's all on the NHS! Also, there's a lovely dining area where you can sit with the other mums for your meals if you want. I know I didn't actually get to stay there, but it struck me as a much more personal experience than a large hospital. If I was living back in Surrey, I would definitely try to go back there again.

Sorry, this probably hasn't helped with your decision making! The thing is, if you have any complications like I did (which I really hope you won't), you'll end up at Pembury anyway!!

Go and have a look, and see what they say and see what you think. Good luck with the decision making :hug:
geordie lass said:
i heard a lady in early stages of labour screaming which was a bit daunting but she stopped after a few moments.
That will be me soon

:shhh: I've told my OH if I see people doing the tour when I'm in labour I'll start screaming just to make it more dramtic for them..... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
inforabumpyride said:
geordie lass said:
i heard a lady in early stages of labour screaming which was a bit daunting but she stopped after a few moments.
That will be me soon

:shhh: I've told my OH if I see people doing the tour when I'm in labour I'll start screaming just to make it more dramtic for them..... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thats so twisted. But I am laughing lots.

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