I need your help!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Hi Ladies

I am in need of all of your TTC knowledge as my body is up to something strange!!

To keep it as brief as possible... my cycles have been irregular only had three in 6 months and they lasted 47, 42 and 52 days.

Last period started on 14th Sept, on cycle day day 9 I started using my opk's I got quite a strong result and again the following day but thought nothing of it as it was so early in to the cycle.

Based around a 40 ish day cycle my next ovulation is due next week, but for the past couple of days I have been suffering with terrible tummy cramp, it feels like AF is here, this afternoon it has got loads worse now feeling sick and light headed, had to get in a warm bath when I got home as was in so much discomfort, dont want to eat and weirdly have lots of saliva...... I done an OPK and it was really light ... so what could all this mean ?

Surely it is to early for possible pregnancy ? dont know what to think at the moment.... please help any advice would be great!!
I light line on an ovulation test is a negative, as the line has to be darker or the same as the control line.

You could be due AF and with the symptoms could be pregnant...i would try and hold off as long as you can and

take a test hope you get your bfp xxx
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It's hard Vicky with your being so irregular.

If your positive OPK at CD 9 was ovualtion and you bd'd then i guess you could be pregnant but i'm not sure.

If you are due to OV next week, then your light OPK result implies that is correct.

As for your other symptoms, well it could be a poor diet, a stomach bug or IBS related to stress and the excessive saliva is normal when you feel sick.

I hope you feel better soon xx
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A light line is negative??? Really??? I thought it started light, got darker when it was just about to happen and then got lighter again as the hormone decreased. I thought you could still concieve up to 48 hrs after the drop off point???

Have I got this totally wrong?
A light line is negative??? Really???

Well it's a bit more complicated than that but technically, yes.

A lot of it is down to the individual and the tests they use.

If someone gets a dark line during their cycle, then a light line would be considered negative.

If someone either has no line or a light line during their cycle then they would take the light line as a positive.
Thaks ladies..... cramps seemed to have eased off a bit but not completley gone, will have to wait and see what today brings.

I hate symptom spotting it tends to only bring dissapointment for me!!!

Will keep on doing my opk's and BD'ing ....... what more can we do!!

Good luck to you october girls... hope it is a good month x
You never know do you Vicky??

I'm off symptom spotting this cycle so i'm not going to encourage you to do it.

I've decided that (this is even worse than Louise B's only trusting Dark nipples!) That the only symptom I trust this month is.................

A :bfp: nothing else!!

Well let's see it I stick to it, I'm only on CD 8!! Of 38!!

Good luck to you hun, keep me posted.xxx
Thanks hun will do.... it has to be our turn soon x
Yeah it sure does babes!

Didn't mean to send a scary message, it's just the new "playing it cool" tactic i'm going for this month! LOL!!!

Let's see how long it lasts! xxx
That the only symptom I trust this month is.................

A :bfp: nothing else!!

Ahhh a fellow sceptic :love:

I was starting to feel like the foreteller of doom and obliterator of all hope :shock:
That the only symptom I trust this month is.................

A :bfp: nothing else!!

Ahhh a fellow sceptic :love:

I was starting to feel like the foreteller of doom and obliterator of all hope :shock:

Louise I rely on your messages..... they help keep me grounded when I start losing track of my mental state of mind!!! :shock:

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