i need some hope


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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Hey all,
I am 6DPO and i don't feel any symptoms yet i've done a hpt it came negative i know its too early but i feel like i am losing hope every day that passes as i dont feel any signs :wall:
the only thing i think i noticed is that my breasts feel a bit soft and fuller.
and i usually get sore bbs by now , this time still no sign.
when do u think i can test the soonest . i have clear blue and predictor .
plz tell me when to start testing and whether there is any hope??

wish u all happy SOON BFP :pray:
well dont loose hope as 6DPO is way too early to test hun, meaning the BFN means nothing cos if you are preggers it wouldnt show up that early! but dont worry, we'v all been there and tested as early :oops:

id say if you can test the day your AF is due, but if not maybe try testing 2 days before its due. some tests say you can test up to 4 days before your due!

Good Luck Hun xxx
When I was pregnant with my first it hit me completely by surprise. What I mean is the very first month we started trying I had ll the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy - the lot.. I was convinced I was pregnant. I wasn't.

The second month I was pregnant and I can honestly say i didn't have any signs at all. I was watching my body so carefully and nothing. Just goes to show - don't give up yet.. !
Hiya, wait another couple days and then test again. Make sure that you do the test first thing after you wake up as the hormones gather up over night ( if you don't go to loo though in middle of the night). Good luck, hope you get the result you want :clap:
Hiya hun :cheer:

The months leading up to my BFP i had every symptom going yet the month i was actually pregnact i had nothing, only did a test because i had one left from the last time and it came up on the day of AF so dont worry if you dont get a result yet, its far far to early :hug:

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