I need some convincing!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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I don't drink or smoke and now it seems to be a common school of thought that caffiene should be avoided as well? Is it really so bad? I always have one tea in the morning and one coffee after dinner.
Does anyone know else think it is wise to avoid it?
After my mc I was prescribed folic acid, but that was all.
Anything else suggested to take or do?
I don't think I could function without my am tea :nap:
As for green tea :shakehead: but I would do it if people could convince me of the benefits!
Anyone any thoughts?
I drank 2 or 3 cups of tea a day during my first 2 pregnancies, and craved coca cola (and drank it - bottles of it). Everything with both babies was perfectly fine. As for green tea........ my personal feeling is I think it's tea bags full of grass clippings!!! (It's what it smelt like it me!)

My Mum made me caffeine free tea once, nearly strangled her. I definitely don't funtion with out my "proper" am tea either.

PS was exactly the same when trying to conceive too.
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Thanks, my thoughts on green tea are much the same and also my mum drinks caffiene free tea and we had got mixed up and I thought a rat must have peed in it ir something!
I do want to be as healthy as possible and maximise my chances, though I also know people can conceive at the drop of a hat on a cocktail of all kinds of substances. It is hard to find the right balance or least, I am finding it hard to know whats best.
Personally, I don't think a few cups of tea a day would do much harm :flower: I drank tea by the gallon before and during my pregnancy, and while I'm typing I'm having a cup too :blush: If you thought it would boost your chances you could always cut it out the 2 weeks before ovulation? x
I think sticking to the "everything in moderation" is a good start, I don't drink or smoke either, but I am over weight (although lost 2 stone before trying for this one), don't particularly excercise, except for running round after 2 small children. Some people make major life style changes, respect to those that do, but I think you still have to live and enjoy life. If that makes any sense whatsoever.
Hi Twilly

On the NHS website, there is an article which ends

"In light of the findings of this study, women should consider restricting their caffeine intake when they are pregnant. The FSA has suggested that women consume less than 200 mg caffeine a day during pregnancy, this represents about two cups of instant coffee or tea. Women should also remember to count any caffeine containing foods such as chocolate when estimating their intake."

Doesn't sound like you're overdoing it at the moment.

From another source:

"When you're pregnant or trying for a baby, experts recommend that you cut down on the amount of caffeine you consume. This is because studies have shown that having more than 300mg per day appears to be linked to an increased risk of having a miscarriage, a low birthweight baby or an infant with birth defects."

If I ever drink caffeine (last time was a few years ago) I notice it has an incredible impact on my body for a few days, but for all I know I may be hypersensitive after early 20s mis-spent living on red bull/diet coke.
i would agree, u are only having two cups a day, i think you will be fine! xx
I agree too. I have restricted my coffee to one in the morning and no more, and i drink fruit tree in the afternoon, but not green tea, yuk, total pond water
Hi there.

With No#1, I drank A LOT of coffee while TTC... probably about 5/6 cups of instant + a Starbucks latte to get me going in the morning every day:whistle: But as soon as I realised I was pregnant, I switched to decaf during the day but still had my Starbucks in the morning to get me going. Doc said it was fine, as I didn't drink coke etc...

Had awful caffeine withdrawal headaches for about 2 weeks though but now I'm so used to the decaf coffee that I drink it automatically. Still love my "REAL" coffees though :coffee: !

I think, as with most things in life, everything in moderation is the way to go .
I'm so clueless when it comes to this sort of thing, I need to get a book or something. I didn't even know you were supposed to cut down on caffiene when ttc. I really need to get clued up. I love my coffee and currently have about 4 cups of coffee a day. We're wtt right now so I'd better start cutting down a bit in preparation. Thanks for this post.
I only have because I read it somewhere and if I don't get PG i would simply blame it on the caffeine lol
It doesnt sound like you are drinking too much hunny, I have completely cut out normal tea and coffee and drink either redbush tea, green tea or herbal teas but i prefer them anyway x x

I read the same article about 200mg caffeine per day but to include tea, coffee, chocolate, cola etc when calculating what you take. I have changed to caffeine free but still have occasional real coffee.

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