I need SLEEP!!! :(

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I've just made my forth trip to the loo tonight and I'm now wide awake!!! I fell asleep at 10.30 and by the time I woke up at 3, I've been 3 times!!! That's 3 times in 4 and a half hours!!! That's bloody stupid...!
I'm now really hungry but don't wanna go get something cos I'll wake Lacey up and she's got school in the morning and I've also got to be wide awake tomorrow cos laceys got her harvest festival!!

Someone pass me the sleeping pills....!!
Ah bummer! Know how you feel. I've given up on nighttime sleep. I'm tossing and turning, peeing and have to suffer with his 20 million alarms going on and off snooze for an hour at 4.30am! I live for naps in the day now. Actually sleep better on the couch!

Sucks you can't go back to bed though :(
man thats a lot of peeing!! im starting to be wide awake if i wake up in the night now, even just to roll over, kind of annoying!! i do do 2 wee trips on average, not looking forward to that increasing as i know it will result in no sleep! and im lucky as i dont have another child to look after!!
I used to love harvest festival, such a nice thing and a lovely day!! im sure you will enjoy it, xx
I wish I could nap!! Lace doesn't let me :( I used to love my afternoon naps while pregnant with Lacey but now laceys on half days at school and doesn't like me napping and also my sofa is sooo uncomfitable!!
Laceys harvest festival was so cute! She wouldn't sing to the songs though!! Lol
i was just laying wide awake last night. sleept a couple of hours but when OH went up to bathroom that was it, i could NOT go back to sleep.. :(

how is she enjoying school chaz?
She loves school hun! If she's being naughty at home I'll say to her right no school, and she has a hissy fit saying she wants to go! Lol! Can't wait for her to start full time although she's so tierd going half days, she'll be like a zombie going full time! She even gets homework already! That's so cute!!
i have some nights where i cant sleep but hope u get a decent nights sleep x
This no-sleep thing is really getting to me. >_< Was up at 3:30am with huge heartburn that made me feel like throwing up. I got up for a glass of milk and was then tossing and turning all night. Not fun. :(
Everyone keeps saying well you won't get any sleep once your babies here.... well i'll get more than an hour undisturbed unlike what im getting now!!! At least babies sleep for 3-4 hours at a time during the night! Just wish my bladder would sleep now lol
I'm not getting decent sleep either - just lying awake for hours trying to go to sleep. Only been getting 3-4 hours some nights and going to work like a zombie.

So glad it's Friday and I've got the weekend to catch up again!
I went through a stage about the same time as you SPC that i couldn't sleep, took a long time to drift off then would be awake early! It did go luckily though, just now i'm up weeing all night! Got a much better night sleep last night but was still up 4 times even though i stopped drinking at 6pm!! My bladder HATES me! lol
Im really not looking forward to this bit, i sleep badly enough as it is !! Aww bless Lacey sounds soo adorable xx
I wish I could blame something for my stupid insomnia but it's not even like I need to get up to pee! I just can not sleep! Past two nights I've ended up on the couch as it seems to be the only comfortable place in the house I can sleep! Was up last night from 12-5 am! Then up at 7.30 am! Grrrrrrr! I'm so tired!
Second morning in a row, I'm awake early!! Normally wake up at 8am but yesterday was 5.45 and this morning 6.40!! I'm shattered :(
Oh no - I feel your pain. Ive just ome off working 18 months of night shifts, so my sleep patten is..well, I dont have a pattern! Not looking forward to this getting up for loads of wee's though - was already up twice last night!

Btw, im loving the bump pics on fb - you dont look like you are not getting any sleep, if thats any help, lol! x
i feel your pain hun im up at least 3-5 times a night to wee if not more i can now not lie completly on my side so just not sleeping well and when i do drop off for some reason past few nights cat keeps scratching at my door grrr

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