I need advice!!


Jul 6, 2011
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First of all I am on the mini pill so I do not have periods and have no idea when my period would be if I wasn't on the mini pill!
For the past 2 an half weeks I've been feeling strange! I first started off with twinges and weird feelings in my stomach and lower! A couple of days later I started to feel sick on and off through out the day and light headed which is still happening now! I also experienced metalic taste in my mouth which only lasted for a couple of days! Lower back ache is another symptom I am having! Over the last few days I have noticed prominent veins on my breasts and chest, hands and arms, also on 1 side of my stomach! Nipples seem to be slightly bigger and slightly darker around the edge! I am very bloated, a bit more tired than normal and also constipation! My gums are half normal and half purple/red! Strange!
Done home pregnancy tests but negative!
I'm confused! Could I be testing too early? Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!x
there is always a very very small chance as all contraception isnt 100% effective and ive known a couple of ppl to get pregnant when on the pill.

you are better off speaking to someone professional though hun on this matter, try calling nhs direct on 0845 46 47 for some advice
thanks! I take my pill on a night and there was a couple of times I was late takin it but not sure when it was!
there is a slight chance then, as when i was on the pill i got told off by the doctor as a couple of times i would have taken it at a different time and he said whats the point taking it then, its only most effective if you take it at the same time every single day - i thought jesus i am allowed to forget things from time to time lol.

the only way u will truely know is if you miss a period then get a positive test lol
Well I went to the doctor last Thursday an he told me takin my pill late was basically the same as missing 1 but other than that he wasn't very helpful! He just told me to take a test in a week which I did today an then he said if that's negative wait another week and do 1 agian! It's just the waiting and not knowing that is frustrating! If I am not pregnant I can't understand why I'm gettin so many symptoms for it!
I would say you are probably not pregnant and that the symptoms you are experiences are caused by other things. Most pregnancy symptoms are caused by pregnancy hormones, so usually if you have symptoms related to a pregnancy a test would also most likely pick up that hormone. I know for myself that I've been convinced I've been pregnant several times and I've had endless symptoms, including nausea, but I was never pregnant when I had the most symptoms, it was always due to something else, what I don't know. When I got my BFP I had very few symptoms at all at first, just sore breasts really, which I also have before af. All the other stuff didn't really hit me until my HCG levels were higher. It is of course not the same for everyone, but generally if your symptoms are really pregnancy related a test would be positive. I know how difficult it can be not to know, so I hope you can get a more definite answer soon!

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