I move house tomorrow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Well its all go here in Hungary.
We signed for a new house yesterday and we move there tomorrow (saturday)! Its actually in Budapest.

So as from tonight i will no longer have regular internet access. It takes around a month to get it set up in the new house unfortunately.

I will still have access to this house for that month though so i plan to come over every few days at least until Thea is born and log on to check messages and stuff.

Budge and Skatty have my cell phone number and can get in touch with me to let you all know whats happening! And dont worry if i still have no net when Thea is born then i will have texted them know im in labour and stuff!

Best of luck with the move tomorrow hun!
Good luck with the flitting hun, hopefully you'll feel more secure in the new place :hug:
good luck with the move and hope all goes well for u with bringin Thea into the world!! :cheer: :cheer: :hug:
Good luck with the big move Mel, no heavy lifting now. Make sure you take it easy and keep in touch.
good luck with the move hun hope everything goes well for u xxx
I can't wait for that text! Good luck with the move, I sent you an email x
Thanks girls,

Well im off to the new house now. All my stuff has been moved so all thats left to go is me and the lap top lol

Hopefully i'll get to talk to you all soon :hug:

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