I miss my DH how can i cope??


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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He is with me...its not that he's away..he loves me and i do soo and he's soo supportive the thing is..since LO is born i started to miss my DH more..miss the time we spent together .. it makes me cry sometimes..how can i cope??? and is anyone feel the same?
i know exactly how you feel hun..

i miss the time we had together, just me and him, and the things we used to do. i think it's just because we're both so preoccupied with the little man most of the time.

maybe when you're feeling up to it you could leave your little angel with a close relative for a few hours and it will give you and oh some bonding time again :)

whenever we put the little man to bed now i make sure we have a good cuddle before we fall asleep, makes me feel better :D
Sounds like the period of adjustment and hormones that occur after a baby is born.

All of a sudden your life as you knew it is gone and it affects each woman differently. Its a huge change and its no longer just the two of you.

How you deal with the adjustment I think depends on if you recognise what is causing it and work through it for yourself. And on your hormones which go nuts after you have your baby and take a while to settle down again.
i felt the same - OH and i get about an hour alone together every night now though, when connor goes to sleep. its not the same as the old us - meeting in a pub after work for a drink, partying until the next day at weekends, going off for spontaneous holidays. its not even the same kinky-bedroom-antics us. and i do miss all of that.

but its a very proud us - we love each other and adore our little boy. i might miss my old life, but i love my new life more.

:hug: :hug:
One year on and my OH and I are like flatmates. He absoultely dotes on Georgie but has no time at all for me. So I miss him because of how things have changed between us, he was great while I was pregnant, couldn't be more loving.
I was the same, its like everything in your life has changed, been turned upsidedown.

I found it got better when Corey was about 2 months and was going to bed at 8pm til 5am instead of 10pm til 5am, because I'll go to bed at 10pm, as I have to feed him at 5 (tho he does go back down til 8 ). Well that meant no time just me and him, always had Corey to be dealing with, feeding, changing, playing with etc etc. Where as now, we have two hours in the evening to relax, watch tv, or a film if we want to... its nearly like it used to be, except we have a perfect little boy upstairs!!

6 weeks ago, I couldnt even imagine it being like this, I thought my life was over. It will get better hun, at a month old your LO is still so dinky, that you need to give alot of your attention and time that way instead of to your DH!
Me too James works away so the time we have on his days off is precious now that we have pur lovely Collier our time is centered around him. So just sitting cuddlng and watching the telly is rare :(

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