Never see DH


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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:( DH has been working late every night for the last few weeks and when he's home he's still busy.

I feel like I never see him and it sucks. When are have time together I want conversation and miss having a cuddle etc but he is too tired to talk and I feel like I only get affection when he wants sex (which i don't have much interest in).

anyone else feel like this? x
Yep, its horrible. You start to feel like a functioning machine that does the same thing day in day out and the worst bit for me is that i am home all day. Dh is out at work so by the time he comes home its dinner time, jess gets bathed then im no knackered I fall asleep or im on the pc or doing other things but Im so tired Ive no conversation about me at all.
He says it doesnt bother him but I know it does.

WHat do you do to fix it???
no idea :?

I came on the PC cos he was playing fifa and obviously needed some time to himself but then he turned all the lights off and went to bed and didn't tell me he was going or say goodnight or anything :(
Thats a sulk. But why. Are we supposed to be mind readers?? I dont care what anyone says but being with a baby is harder work than being at work. Mentally its draining and you need some support by the time someone else gets home.
Go wake him up and ask him if a good night is too much trouble. But beware, it could be mistaken as a come on and sometimes thats best avioded.

Men :evil:
haha could be mistaken!

No the weird thing is that we havnt been arguing or anything! I went in and asked why he'd gone to bed and he said he was tired. There isnt any bad feelings or anything but it's just all cold and crappy. we've never been like this. used to always hold hands and cuddle and stuff so i'm just finding it weird.

feel like he doesn't have time for me in his day anymore :roll:
At least he turned the lights off! Me and Jarrod argue the toss most nights about who is going to lock up and turn everything off. Because I'm on the pc now and he is downstairs then he can do it tonight.

I think the way you are feeling and the way you and DH are is true of most couples from time to time. The trouble with us women is that we analyse everything too much! I do anyway lol

Hope you are feeling better soon :)

:shock: we live in a flat and i have to try and walk through the dark rooms to get to the bedroom :shock:
i'm chatting to you on msn now hun, just wanted to say (((((hugs)))))
At least arguing is sort of communicating. There is nothing worse than silence. He does ask how my day was and how I feel but everyday seems the same and Im always tired. How do you dress that one up.
For once I would like him to come home and for me not to be tired, maybe to be wearing make up and for us to go out somewhere.
As well as doing most things around the house (he isnt lazy, I cant fault him there) I seem to have to make all the decisions about what we do, where we go, entertaining Jessica.

You need some sort of rope to get to the bed, remember that fairy tale about the Labyrinth (sp).
oh sorry I didn't know! Well in that case he is either not thinking or he is being mean. Maybe he thought you were already in bed?

Its really hard to comment on other peoples relationships because we all have our funny ways and nobody really truly knows what goes on behind closed doors. I find with me and Jarrod I have to stop myself bombarding him with small talk as soon as he walks in the door at night and let him unwind and get changed and have dinner before we can relax and have a chat about the day. Trying to tell him about something that happened in tesco's and expecting him to listen when all he wants to do is see Isaac and relax just causes arguments because I find myself keep asking him if he is listening and he keeps saying that just because he is not looking at me doesn't mean he's not listening. lol it can go on all night sometimes.

Lou :)
He was gone when I woke up again. And the rat race continues...

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