i like being pregnant!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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the more pregnant i get, the more i'm enjoying it...!

i feel a bit guilty confessing that cos i know that some people are having a really hard time of it. i've not had a completely easy ride - i've had horrendous headaches, been horribly exhausted, my skin's pretty horrid, i'm really hairy and my hair's greasy.

but i really love my bump - i feel liberated that i can go out in bump-hugging outfits and for the first time in years, not feel fat! my OH loves my ever-expanding body and keeps telling me how proud he is.

it might be the most natural thing in the world, but its truly brilliant :cheer:
Yep!! I feel the same, I'm loving the new experience and I especially love hubby staring with an inane happy happy grin!

:cheer: For pregginess :cheer:
TOTALLY agree!!! :D I love that i can wear tight tops now. cos before i would wear baggy ones to hide my bit of a wobbly belly but now i love tight tops!! And now im showing my oh LOVES it altho he tells the baby to kick me everyday. hes going to be a daddy boy i think! i love him rubbing my belly to lol :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Im with you all on this!! I love my bump so much and feel sooo in love with my husband for giving me this wonderful baby. I love how he finds me really sexy with bump and how proud he is of me for giving him his first baby. Pregnancy rocks!!! :cheer:
awww that is so lovely to hear!!! It is a wonderful thing!!! I can't admit I am totally enjoying mine at the mo....but I look forward to the day when I do :cheer:
Me too! I had a bit of a bleed last weekend and got v scared, but everything is ok at the moment and since then I feel great!
My bump is finally really showing and I am feeling lots of wriggles in there, as you say its so great showing off my tum instead of trying to hide any wobbles!
AND OH gave my bump a little kiss this morning for the first time which was sooo lovely!
Hurrah for pregginess! :dance:
Its a great feeling. :cheer: Nothing like, not even number 2 (baby number 2) so savour every second.
the more pregnant i get, the more i'm enjoying it...!

i feel a bit guilty confessing that cos i know that some people are having a really hard time of it. i've not had a completely easy ride - i've had horrendous headaches, been horribly exhausted, my skin's pretty horrid, i'm really hairy and my hair's greasy.

but i really love my bump - i feel liberated that i can go out in bump-hugging outfits and for the first time in years, not feel fat! my OH loves my ever-expanding body and keeps telling me how proud he is.

it might be the most natural thing in the world, but its truly brilliant :cheer:
Yep!! I feel the same, I'm loving the new experience and I especially love hubby staring with an inane happy happy grin!

:cheer: For pregginess :cheer:
TOTALLY agree!!! :D I love that i can wear tight tops now. cos before i would wear baggy ones to hide my bit of a wobbly belly but now i love tight tops!! And now im showing my oh LOVES it altho he tells the baby to kick me everyday. hes going to be a daddy boy i think! i love him rubbing my belly to lol :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Im with you all on this!! I love my bump so much and feel sooo in love with my husband for giving me this wonderful baby. I love how he finds me really sexy with bump and how proud he is of me for giving him his first baby. Pregnancy rocks!!! :cheer:
awww that is so lovely to hear!!! It is a wonderful thing!!! I can't admit I am totally enjoying mine at the mo....but I look forward to the day when I do :cheer:
Me too! I had a bit of a bleed last weekend and got v scared, but everything is ok at the moment and since then I feel great!
My bump is finally really showing and I am feeling lots of wriggles in there, as you say its so great showing off my tum instead of trying to hide any wobbles!
AND OH gave my bump a little kiss this morning for the first time which was sooo lovely!
Hurrah for pregginess! :dance:
Its a great feeling. :cheer: Nothing like, not even number 2 (baby number 2) so savour every second.
purple13 said:
the more pregnant i get, the more i'm enjoying it...!

i feel a bit guilty confessing that cos i know that some people are having a really hard time of it. i've not had a completely easy ride - i've had horrendous headaches, been horribly exhausted, my skin's pretty horrid, i'm really hairy and my hair's greasy.

but i really love my bump - i feel liberated that i can go out in bump-hugging outfits and for the first time in years, not feel fat! my OH loves my ever-expanding body and keeps telling me how proud he is.

it might be the most natural thing in the world, but its truly brilliant :cheer:

I'm looking forward to that too, when my bump is a but more pronounced (you might be able to see it better if it wasn't for my HUGE breasts!!!).

You are so right: this is nothing short of A MIRACLE :hug:

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