i know this is not tri 2 topic.. but tough.. lol


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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i feel guilty as hell lol... im not very well.. and charlottes got the same as me.. even tho she slept thro last night, she came home from school with the sniffles n a runny nose.. and later had a temp, i gave her calpol she ate tea and went to bed..

anyway.. she got up and is the same today..and has a sore throat too..so i gave her breakfast and said how u feeling now. she said a bit better but my nose wont stop running (shes gone thro half a roll by herself since last night) i said do u wanna go to school, she said no 1st then yes. so i said il tell ur teaher ur not very well and if u feel bad ur to tell her and she will ring me and il come pick u bk up ok.. she said yeah ok..(ive given her calpol too)

reason i feel guilty is coz id not send her if we wernt going to disney land in 2 1/2 weeks shes gotta have 3 days off and now shes in full time school shes not supposed to have days off unless shes ill..:S
aww bless her, you both sound really poorly. :hug: :hug: :hug: She might be ok once she's in school, colds are always worse in a morning too
Oh no, i hope she feels better today.. xx its definately the time of year for bugs and colds.. i've got a raging sore throat since yesterday, and DH is off with flu today too.
Aren't kids allowed a certain number of days off a year now outside of actual school holidays and illness?
Its probably that back to school thing, sharing round all the germs they have all collected over the summer, hope you both feel better soon :hug:
Ahh hun you're not the only one... :hug: :hug: but yer...I can see why you feel guilty... I've sent Tia to school before when she has been ill, because I a) wasn't allowed the time off or b) because we were due to go on holiday somewhere and I felt she would miss out...

If she's really ill, don't worry the teachers will send her home. :hug:
eyah ive sent ehr.. she is sniffly.. teacher said most of the kids are coz of change of the weather and if shes looking rough after or she says shes not right she will phone me.. dont feel so bad now :)..
Don't worry Lisa :D
Teachers will send her home if she's that poorly.
I'm a teacher have pm'd you about the holiday thing- don't worry about that either, going on hol as a family is a super thing (i've gone on a bit sorry :oops: )
My little boy Jamie has also only just started 'big school' and he had the first week there and the second he had this cold too. He is asthmatic and it really hits his chest bad when he gets a cold and he had to have a full week off, I felt terrible and was worrying about the what the teacher thought. Hubby went and had a word and she was really lovely, I think they are a bit more understanding with little ones. Hope you are both feeling better soon :hug:

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