fat or pregnant? * updated with pics 1st post

Now you can see my bump and it has dropped now. However, in certain clothes I just look fat, it's not until I wear clothes that are very fitting people notice it. I got asked the other day why I had put so much weight on, it was good for a lass of my age! I was gonna thump the cow :evil:

I have put 2 piccies taken last night, please excuse the crappy clothing!


paradysso said:

Hey look! You're my bump double! :D :D

That's exactly what mine looks like. It's funny because I think second pregnancies push out all the horrible wobbly bits from the first one almost straight away. Well, unless you're Jordan or Posh Spice where it's taken away as a nice tummy tuck when they give you your c-section.

There's no denying we all feel we look like this at some point during our pregnancies....

**C** said:
paradysso said:
That's exactly what mine looks like. It's funny because I think second pregnancies push out all the horrible wobbly bits from the first one almost straight away. Well, unless you're Jordan or Posh Spice where it's taken away as a nice tummy tuck when they give you your c-section.

I hate them... !!!! Posh and Jordan that is... and beside, my DH thinks Jordan looks chubby...and the only reason people think she looks thin, is because her boobs are disproportional to the rest of her body...

You're not fat Lisa, and I think that whole "BMI" thing is a load of rubbish.. I think it's either the midwives way of convincing your not to have a home birth, because its too much work and they might need to get more staff to cover you if too many women in your area want a home birth... or you just have a panicky midwife like I do.

My midwife wants me to induced if the baby gets more than 3.5kg (around 7lb), because the baby will be too big.... :shock: Tia was 3.9kg and I didn't need any help to get her out, and she didn't get stuck at all, and I have size 7 shoes and an enormous pelvis, so I won't have any problems!!! She's just being panicky...and I really don't want to be induced , because induced births are more painful.

Tell your midwife, either you birth at home, or you won't go in when you are in labour. You'll have the baby yourself. If you have a normal pregnancy with no complications and are generally fit and well, why would it be a problem to be at home?
Beany said:
I am a high risk pregnancy anyway as I had pre-eclampsia with my son so was in and out of hospital from 36 weeks and finally induced at 38 weeks. I will be monitored closely and if my pregnancy goes the same way I may have to have another C-Section.
BUT everyone and every pregnancy is different so you probably not have the same experience as me however if your midwife has any concerns you will be monitored more closely (which can only be a good thing as it puts your mind at rest).

If you are worried about anything do discuss it with your midwife so you are not worrying about anything as you go along. :D

I have a high bmi, had pre eclamsia from 30 weeks, emergency c section at 32 and have been told I am not high risk and don't need extra monitoring. Maybe it's regional like everyhting else? I think you should push hard (Te-He) for what you want and don't let any mw tell you diff, it's your :hug: consultant that matters anyway
Lisa you're certainly NOT fat. Also I don't agree with bmi either. I think its the wrong way to be assessing people. It's too general.

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