i know its a long way off ........

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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but seriously cant decide what to do about pain relief, i never had an epidural before and dont particuarly want one but gas n air and pethadine are not enough for me im hoping that the hospital will just give me the spinal blocks again
Epidurals are fabulous, wish I could could have one for period pain ;) x
Epidurals are fabulous, wish I could could have one for period pain ;) x

ive watched them being done on tv and in books and everyone ive asked including my mom said they are uncomfortable to have - my plan was to try and get a job working in the hospital, gain keys to the medicine cabinet and just grab one of everything lol
Sounds like a plan ;)
I didn't find it uncomfortable or bad being put in, just a sharp scratch for the local then numb legs. I would have thought it would be similar to a spinal?? x
tbh by the time i had the spinal block i didnt even know what was going on, they gave it me as though i was going to need a c-section but was too far gone for epidural, apparently it was six small injections into my back, all i remember is being too busy screaming that i couldnt breathe as all the back of my throat was swollen from screming the far too long 16 hrs lol
Oh right, well the epidural sounds easier than that. You only feel one needle, it's very fine and you dont feel anything more than a scratch.
You sit bent over your bump, legs dangling off the bed, I think this is the hardest bit because it's not comfortable if you have a contraction. The anaesthetist will wait for a space between contractions, wipe your back to make it as sterile as poss then one small injection. You don't feel anything else after that - nothing.
You can feel him fiddling about, like touches on your back but no pain. Then your legs go numb - like the spinal feeling x
cant i make my partner give birth instead lmao, i hate needles so much, and the fact i had about 12 in my last labour scares me
Men should have to give birth, even just once so that they can sympathise with us about the pain! x
i agree lol, then again i watch my other half panick about me constantly in pregnancy so i think if he had to go through it he would have a bloody nervous breakdown lol

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